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New year not starting out quite like you expected it to either huh. XD That was a... that was a pretty entertaining announcement though! Yes.


It's that Ed Edd and Eddie style! :D Rolling eyeballs and all, and ominous stills between the storm footage and more regular eye-opening animation. Love how expressive this all was. And that comedy style. lmao. Might be a reason people don't wear hats these days huh...


Entertaining things be happening in the Apex world! Simple puns but good fun.


Real Monster Energy! :D Wasn't expecting that. Nice. The action sequences are all solid too, with some good twists along the way, and with the voices I realize that usually the Madness characters really don't say much... they don't even utter sounds of pain or surprise. Feels a bit different with this one. Overall a creative and fast-paced bit of Madness! Not bad.


juanford66 responds:


Seems I missed this one completely! Another crazy story here, almost on par with the Florida one. Good stuff. Pretty stable pace with the images too.

But whatever happened to episodes 5 and 6?


AustinJayCook responds:

Thanks brother :D! Also I forgot to post them here when I did the jalapeno one lol they are on my YouTube though :)

Heeey I think I spotted RAMUSH in the midst of this! :D Also nice but(s).

The story itself: entertaining as always, and this time it also feels almost unrealistically crazy. Must've been pretty unreal finding yourself in such a situation... or not, considering you do live where you live and seem to know all about how crazy a place to live that place is, but nevertheless: made for quite a story!

Feeling like some of the imagery flickers past faster than you can catch it (not just the butts), but overall good fun! Appreciate these.


AustinJayCook responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed bother, yeah I lived in Florida my whole life before moving to California, it was one hell of an experience!

I'm getting a little better with timing believe me I'm gonna start pacing myself a little more :)

This could become a new thing! XD I mean: a series. Assuming these cartoons will be something new each time around though? Good fun. Great fun, actually. It's the simplest things...

Answer 1: Playing GBA games, pretty much, every chance I had. Have no entertaining stories there though, alas, I played my games and they didn't and that was that.

Answer 2: Hmm local ones a requirement? Some NG icon would be cool otherwise, like brewstew or ThePivotsXXD. Seems like an unpredictable clash of style too.

Looking forward to whatever's next!


It's not a perfect loop after all but... it's okay! It's alright. Certain other qualities of animation and character showcase do redeem this one particular shortcoming that could've otherwise perfected this particular potentially-greatest-introductory-start-menu-sequence-in-a-game-ever intro. If ever a Chutney game does come to be... well, I'd love to play a game like that. Fo rizzle. A game with all these guys in it to boot, that'd be pretty cool, a little platformer craze based on the greatly accomplishing traits of collecting loot, avoiding swinging axes, thundering hoofs and all sorts of excess ladders and chutes? Maybe we could fundraise something to make the idea more than moot? Just an idea Chute(ny).

Anyway I love this. Always an honor to be a part of it.


ChutneyGlaze responds:

you made my life with this comment!

Good thing real life isn't really like Dark Souls! Not bad, though thumbnail seems a bit misleading, really doesn't match the footage...


Well that was a nice surprise. :) Smooth results. Jus missing: sound.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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