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Hands down #2! Though the knife one was pretty close. So much variation here too. And so much random. Nice work all.


Well that was nice. :) Fun, and animated impressively professionally considering the age of it, though the soundtrack... seems like the mood of the music and that of the animation all conflicts a bit. It keeps building, like some grand adventure, though it feels like it'd have been more fitting with something a bit more simple; comedy oriented. The score's great, just so out of place! So strange.

But overall pretty enjoyable. Having been here back when 480p wasn't even possible the format's no problem. :P


Mithmeoi responds:

Thanks very much! Yea the music is a bit out of place, it was the first time he'd composed something for a toony short. I was really grateful for having custom music made for me though so it wasn't just sound effects. haha
I'm glad you enjoyed the short!

Hybrid franchise ideas come to mind now! The variations, the possibilities: endless!!! The slogan now: impossible. Good fun.


Situations like this may require rare certain dads to have certain rare brands of phones to occur. XD Still relatable though...


Way too little knowledge of the franchise to get the jokes here, but you can't not appreciate it anyway, all that detail and expression. That dad dude was pretty buff hmm.


This did feel a bit more wholesome than what I seem to remember from previous glimpses! Some good thangs going on here, and good voicing, though the motions... still something oddly inconsistent about the gravity of it all. But I love the vibe. And the added color. All in all I think I'ma miss these 3D battle bits when you stop putting them out!

Though intrigued to see how it goes with 2D. Somehow it seems like there's less of a little limitation with that previous dimension. More room for perfection. Good stuff.


Kel-chan responds:

Yup theres just some things that i either cant or have trouble with in 3d. The next project will have a mostly 2d char with 3d backgrounds.... and hopefully I'll see how it turns out

Thought this would be something along the lines of the old I'm Mac/I'm PC commercials, but you took this to new places entirely. XD I like. And relate. And wonder what people might comment on below...

Also started out with Apple, moved onto PC, moved back to Apple a bit in design school, moved back to PC... haven't had an opportunity to move back to Apple yet, but maybe if they don't make Windows 10 a bit more like Windows 7 that'll be soon. Price is the only problem.

Anyway, good stuff.



Some men have no nipples. Some men have too many. But why do men have nipples? That is the question.


All's well that ends well...? A random idea, in a random world, with a pretty random runaway ending. I like it. The setting doesn't just look different, it feels different too. Pretty fresh.


Usually the term 'practice animation' comes with a stigma of not good, but this really was good! I'm missing sound, but the animation's both smooth and expressive. Good style. Now for some actual story...


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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