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These are just getting better and better now. :) Love the theme, You won good writer. Can't wait for the next.


That roadmap of alternative endings. XD Love the wordplay as always, and the story's satisfyingly wholesome with this one two. He's on a roll with those rollercoasters! Nice one.


Yeah yeah?! @MisterHerbal returns from a four year hiatus and that's all?! :O Good to see you're still alive though, and still making these! Shorter it may be, and the ending a bit confusing (did he mistakenly hand over his 'junk' to that lady and then realize it at the very last minute? Did he get struck by lightning? Even without his junk? What's going on there?!) But most importantly: will there be more? Are you still going strong? Is this old content?

Good stuff as always, simpler or no. I've been missing these.


And I thought last one might've been the best one yet! :D Seems like struggle really brings out the best in an animator huh. Quality content! Would've gone with #2 I think. Second spot... pretty much everything else.


Aaah this one was hard! So many good ones, though #1 was just so much more thorough than the rest. I'd actually go with #4 as a close contender though. Had me really laughing. XD Good stuff. And yes, I know I'm late for this. Still have to voice my preference... good stuff folks.


Aaand that was massive! Though I wouldn't mind something entirely original, these reanimations are a blast to watch too. And so many styles. Nice work all.


Hmm, different. Maybe reference would make this funnier. As it is: not really getting it. Just all-out intentionally offensive? Maybe it'd work better with a context/more of a response from the other characters/some wall to bounce that joke back on a bit. I'm not for PC but just don't feel like this is a working joke by itself.


Hands down #2! Though the knife one was pretty close. So much variation here too. And so much random. Nice work all.


Well that was nice. :) Fun, and animated impressively professionally considering the age of it, though the soundtrack... seems like the mood of the music and that of the animation all conflicts a bit. It keeps building, like some grand adventure, though it feels like it'd have been more fitting with something a bit more simple; comedy oriented. The score's great, just so out of place! So strange.

But overall pretty enjoyable. Having been here back when 480p wasn't even possible the format's no problem. :P


Mithmeoi responds:

Thanks very much! Yea the music is a bit out of place, it was the first time he'd composed something for a toony short. I was really grateful for having custom music made for me though so it wasn't just sound effects. haha
I'm glad you enjoyed the short!

Hybrid franchise ideas come to mind now! The variations, the possibilities: endless!!! The slogan now: impossible. Good fun.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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