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The epicness of the sounds somewhat outweighs the graphics. :) But this was great. Maybe a transition into the credits though? It appears before you really realize it's over, and the social media links/stuff doesn't start rolling right away either. Keep it up!


Happy launch day. :) Fun stuff.


At least he got a friend in the end. XD

Can't not notice the subtle RE4 sounds too... nicely done.


These cat and dog ones aren't all the most relatable, petless as I am, but the moral of the stories seems similar: best not get one. Life's so much easier without...

Or maybe: get a pet. Start livin' a bit.


If you see a silly blue wizard with a big beard waving a wand at you you better... duck. :P

Love this.


Well that was nice. :) Was expecting some kind of pun, some kind of comedy but... sometimes we just need something like this too. A real message. To contribute. To help.

Also enjoying the mood. Feel good.


You're on a roll with the unexpected ones lately! Nice. Impressed by the mixing too, muting the sound at a distance, always those little things...

Didn't really catch the final joke though? What he say again?


The sound effects really were spot on here! Good detail. It builds up nicely too, though at the end I really was expecting some kind of punchline to end it... it cuts short, a bit. No message. No pun. Nicely done otherwise.


And yet he never attacks Lilo... strange critter he is. Haven't played nearly enough of these games yet, need to get back to it...


I have no idea where this is going anymore but I love it! The triangle drama. The wavering fields. Ominous as all may seem there's still that fickle speckle of hope amidst this all spittle... that well with the creepy critters reminds of the dungeons they've left behind, the almost planet-like alien vessel hints of something yet to come and the fires burning down under the thick rad bad that we all hope our hero has yet to triumph over... something's going down, it feels like, soon...

Cymbourine really had the best fan-art format btw. .) It's like it was made for this. Cool to see mine there too and I looooove the new credits! The scene is just... it's like I was made for it. Sunning in the depths of Deimos. Cozy home. Though that moment when you realize the credits/art make up half the runtime... before you feel like it was all worth it after all. Awesome as always.


ChutneyGlaze responds:

Thanks Cybie!
sorry if it is confusing here i will try to explain.
skulllord has been trying to split up the trio. together they are too powerful. if they stay together the prophecy will fulfill and they will kill skulllord and the universe.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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