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Turns out this went waaay beyond just the nightclub. :) Props on keeping things consistent pretty much all the way through, even with varying scenery and strategies involved in the bashing/brawling/shooting/otherwise disposing of an impressive amount of enemies and innocent bystanders alike... he's got some stamina! The nightclub setting makes for some pretty cool lighting too.

Pleasure to watch through co-ordinated collabs like this. Awesome work all.


Never thought I'd see any of the ACOCK segments animated! But this was great. Bringing up one of the most important bits of our culture too... any plans to do more of these?


Tiltro responds:

I’m glad that you enjoyed it and I appreciate you making a review. Also I don’t think I’m gonna make anymore ACOCK animated stuff but I hope someone else does. Fun fact, this animation was supposed to be for a collab that never was completed. Anyways, thank you for your kind words and I hope you’ll have a fantastic day.

This goes hard! Plot progression and sound seems nailed down already... not bad.


Didn't realize this crossover might be such a real and complex issue... personally I'm a Doom guy (obviously), but I believe it's more so just because that's the franchise/genre I just happened to get into first, not more so that it somehow matches my personality more. I could just as well have picked up idle RPG-like games and become addicted to those. Animal Crossing seems like fun too. Generally, I'd feel like gamers generally appreciate games. That's all.

And that two so very different franchises being renewed at the same time led to this creative bridge, which has then grown further as people fed on the hype and popularity. Surely the contrast makes it all the more fun to play around with too.

Maybe I place too little value in the community aspect of it all though... interesting theory to listen to too. Good stuff.


404Tales responds:

It's very interesting to study the communities built up around the things we like. It's something that most people aren't aware of- that every community acts somewhat distinctly from others. It's hardly something that requires participation but I do think it's an interesting way to study the effects media can have on us. Which makes the interactions between these communities all the more fascinating!
I've found the Doom fandom is actually pretty mature and despite the nature of the games- very chill. I don't think another FPS could get along quite as well with the Animal Crossing fandom.

Wondering if there really is a real yellow brick road somewhere now hmm... apparently there are a few! Nice. Homage. Well done.

Finna have to watch his a few times to fully catch that dialog tho.


Was just waiting for someone to start doing this too. XD Trump done saying some dangerous things lately...


Nice detail with that cross. XD And the kids sitting normally in the first scene, then huddled up in the next... the little things it is. Wonder if there might not be some potential copyright issues with the merch though hmm, slightly modified name or no...


Reliving the glory days right now. XD But why is this so entertaining. Is it just nostalgia? Is it the way these somewhat random elements all come together, in such a relatable and or silly and or unexpected way? You seem to have figured out some kind of secret formula here...


Really was expecting that scan to be pretty much just strawberry-patterned paper. XD What a twist though. Wonder if he got the right scan...


RealRedbookClock responds:


She's been here before hmm! Maybe she's immortal...

Really curious what she said tho.


Bamboo Shoots!

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