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Now this is a platformer game just how I want it to be, with custom sprites, good music, easy upgrades and rewards, and sort of a plot included... but not really needed to progress the gameplay. :) I love pixel art so that's a huge plus in games like this; playing is a fun experience, an exciting adventure. Nice work! Btw, would be cool with some medals.


Just rolling rolling rolling! :D Fun platformer. With the flag, the stars, the ability to jump on enemies it's a lot like Mario Bros... but with the ball and this new form of movement it's still a completely new experience. Only thing this game is missing is medals, that'd be a great reward for playing all the way through! Pretty easy to implement too. Keep it going!


Woo, ninja! No doubt which character I'm a play as... I remember playing something like this when I was a kid, combining a set of supplies to get the desired results. It's a simple idea, but a shitton of fun. Nice work!


Hmm, foot tapping! Now this was a rythem game I never expected to see. Good concept, unique and randomlöy entertaining, good music, inspiring and energetic, and simple gameplay to back it up. Nice work!


Nice. I like unique games like this. The gameplay mechanisms, the graphical angle from which you see everything, the characters (they do remind a little of Goombas) and the fact that you use different keys for different... bugs, or whatever they're called. It's a bit odd a key combination though, not all in a line or order. But apart from that, great work!


This was a rather simplistic shooter, compared to most. I like the fact that you're a glowing entity rather than a regular space ship. The music is catchy, the gameplay is fastpaced and progressively packing a challenge... overall it's just a great game. Fun and fast. Keep it going!


It took a while before I found the Play button in this! Well, there was no play button so maybe that's not so strange. :P I tried clicking the logo first, but nothing happened, then I realized there was a Credits section with a bad hit area... then when I found Play I realized I needed to click Play rather than the area that made the button pop up. :P Once the game starts it's all simple fun though. The background, gameplay, notes, etc look good, but the bar could've been a bit more graphical. Nice idea though. Keep it up!


Another great Rock Out game! I appreciate the introduction in this one, the tale and history combined with the help of images and a slideshow of frames. It's a pretty neat effect. It turns out to be less bound to reality than I thought it would, but still... it spurs a great story. Different from the traditional contest entries, a complete adventure. Nice work!


Man that bug is hard to control, he's just... too fast! It's a fun idea though, a simple timewaster where you get the flowers and avoid the predator. Good graphics, good idea; a bit difficult steering. Keep it going!


Woo, drunk driving on purpose! That's something you could/should only do in a Flash game. It's fun to play, simple... with a twist to the controls. The pace of the road is a bit hacky though, not as smooth as everything else. Higher FPS maybe? Everything else is good. Keep it up!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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