The "fake voices" sound pretty swee too, but it would probably have been even better if they were transfered through a microphone instead of created artificially, hehe, keep up the good work!
The "fake voices" sound pretty swee too, but it would probably have been even better if they were transfered through a microphone instead of created artificially, hehe, keep up the good work!
I love this theme. The greatest Doom theme of them all!! The hits are a nice addition to it as well, but isn't the original version a bit longer than this? Either way, sounds great, keep the doom tracks coming!
I seem to recognize this song, hehe, been playing a lot of final doom, ultimate doom, normal doom and any other Dooms I could come across. Great stuff, keep it uP!
This would fit nicely in the real game. Great work building up the suspsense throughout the track. The progressions that seem to go towards something big that just fade out sound awesome. Keep up the good work!
Everything that has to do with Doom, I like, this would fit nicely in the game. Maybe you should make your own megawad with it? Hehe, keep up the good work!
Would've been better if you stuck to the original Indian themed title though, it really sounds more folkish than it does streetish. Otherwise it's a great beat. Keep up the good work!
The speed is nice, and the beat is nice, but it's a bit too repetetive for me. Voice additions are a nice touch to the track btw, keep up the good work!
A very nice piece of music for halloween, hehe. You really accomplished the mission of getting it to sound haunted, hehe, keep up the good work!
I didn't really think it was slow enough for a day int he park song though, it's more like a day in the city or something. Either way, good song, just the title that doesn't fit in. Keep up the good work!
Getting creative! Started out as just a normal track with nice beat and rythem. Adding the "Uh" and "Aw" was a great addition, hehe. Still is a bit repetetive, but an intresting listen. Keep up the good work!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04