Seems to be a reoccurring character. .) Is it my imagination or are these getting a bit simpler...
Still awesome.
Seems to be a reoccurring character. .) Is it my imagination or are these getting a bit simpler...
Still awesome.
their original purpose is kind of dead because they were based on a person so they're fun to draw upset even though that's not representation of anyone lmao.
Curious what program you're using for these? It's a pretty cool effect.
If you centered the motive a bit it'd look pretty professional.
I use online Sketcpad 5.1. Easy job done.
All those thoughts, like a sad vapor of painful memories drifting away... and oh, these are up for sale too! That's awesome. Suppose shipping costs are still a big thing but maybe something special pops up... do they go on sale at the time of posting? Later on? Good stuff.
oh yea. i havn't listed them in my store because i'm making the slow move to etsy since storenvy is jacking up their prices and these fees. yea i hear shipping is gonna get jacked because of trade shit going on here but the good thing with media mail and flat shit is it'll still be pretty cheap. they go on sale like immediatly o fposting lmao
So much detail in this! And menace, with the sketchy being in back. I feel like maybe there could be more of a distinction to the swirls and lines, but just the amount of line work is pretty cool either way. What a beast.
Hey, I can agree with you on those points. I was playing this by ear, just letting things come together how they did. I've seen work that make use of lines before, but not enough so to make enough distinction so different parts pop out more. Thank you, though! Tis appreciated :)
Reminds me of the Detective Pikachu movie. :) Eerie but in a good and not-so-scary kind of way...
Thank you! Honestly that's a vibe I very much enjoy trying to convey, so this is high praise.
Well this is pretty creepy! :) Suitable for the Spooctacular theme. Detail's somewhat simple, but the feeling does come through so... he's got it. Classy quote to go along with it too.
thanks for the review
i made this just after watching the movie
Indeed a truthful and well-depicted interpretation of my persona. :) Stumbled upon this thing a few days late, but thank you! This is pretty cool. Is that gender-shifting one lurking around here too somewhere...?
Haha, nope that's just on the Discord and Chutney put it up on Patreon.
If you give me your explicit permission, I can upload that one up here for the laughs as well. :P
She's got a bit of an agitated expression in this one. XD I think I prefer the more seducing smiles a bit more, but otherwise it's alright...
Certainly her agitated expression is because she made a fart! A fart of a fart of some other farts...
With all these colors, somehow it doesn't seem that big a menace after all... I'm growing curious about the process behind all of these. How did these get started? What's the process like with these? How do you start?
Haha that's fair, in terms of invasions it seems like a rather fun one to be caught up in! :)
All of my work is created in Adobe Flash then rendered as Gifs using Photoshop.
In terms of process, I basically create various animated components within Graphic Symbols (bouncing buildings, parts of the worm, the colourful noodle monsters etc) then I stack them up and flood the scene with them; rearranging parts until I have something I'm happy with.
I primarily use Graphic symbols for these as most of my scenes rely heavily on symmetry, so I create half the scene then simply copy and flip the parts to create a wild and more fleshed out piece. After that it's simply a case of adding in and animating extra parts such as a large frontal monster, a moon, etc and working things through until I'm happy with the results.
For animating I tend to use 40 frames, popping a keyframe on frame 1, 40 and one in the middle at frame 20. Frame 1 and 40 act as anchors to the animation then I just play around with frame 20 and it'll create a nice smooth animation loop. I also tend to use ease -60 on frame 1 and ease 60 on frame 20.
Hope that helps :)
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04