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These 3D SFM madness bits really look good, but a bit more plot...


Hmm. Not sure I get it. I notice the car flying by but... darker side? The way he works like a robot? The location, that by the sound of things either seems like a war zone or space, or both...? Again good premise but I don't feel the intention's really coming through.


That hidden poster. :)

Not bad, though feels like it lacks a final punchline of sorts, just a shot and that's all... good premise but could be polished a bit I think.


I like this idea! :D Bridging the gap between styles, with a style of bickering that for some reason reminds me a bit of Foamy... good fun.

In that one part where you zoom in on his face, from the side, it seems the focus is a bit wrong, but apart from that nice work. both the 2 and the the 3 Ds.


I guess you don't like stickfigure animations huh? XD Must admit there seems to be a new wave of pretty simple things, but there's some really good ones too... I don't mind the art form when done well. Unfortunately it's one that's easy to get into even when you're really not good at it...

Entertaining PSA though!


The pant ending lmao. XD This explains a lot of what follows though, even if it feels like the painting should've been brought up too, some kind of justice/closure/something...


Feels like this might be the first time we really see Sublo and Tango in a natural setting... it's like their unnatural setting. And Katy with an unnaturally big role too, and the former two way more humble than I'm used to.

It all feels both so different and so familiar... but like such a suitable way to end it too. Slice of life advice and all. And hell yeah I want to see more Sublo and Tangy Mustard! :) And Katy too, new job or no. Hard to match the well-planned spontaneity of these. Great as always. Maybe a little better than usual this time too. A little longer. A little stronger. A little different.


Aaron-Long responds:

Haha yeah I think it was the first time I had to draw more than one or two trees and stuff in the show! Took some figuring out. I was aiming for a different feeling with this one, maybe a little bittersweet or melancholy since it's the last one for at least a little while... glad people generally seem ok with it!

So this is how it all began... new neighbors are always an interesting occurrence.


What an epic finale this was, tragic fate though it was that became Chutney he really did go out like... chutney. True till the end! And it seems a seed of hope yet grows in his wake, that gloomy but colorful puddle that is his lifeblood and legacy. Though not sure what father sun and the big black hole really have to do with anything. Potential sequels?!

Twas an honor to be a part of this, even if for only such a brief little bit! A ground-breaking one at least. This was really pure awesome, all the way through the ending credits and extras and fan art that follows, and what a soundtrack! Great work y'all.


That robotic character movement has some roots hmm! And the other one really was longer too... feels like these two parts could really have been one, or this one longer, but either way this explains things. Great start.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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