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Awesome. When most people submit their first flashes it's all but finished, much less good animation, but this was awesome. The silouettes especially are fluent and welldrawn, and the text trasitions look professional, though I would have chosen a different font. One that's not so oftenly used. Best part of the animation must be that play button though, that just looks like a solid bar of gold. It really shines! How long did that take to perfect? As for the animation, it's a tale of pirates, a quick battle. Not much happens plotwise, but the animation is good. Just gotta weave in a story. Keep it up!


Pretty good!

The mixture of sprites and regular voices works well, though I'm glad the sound effects and music still holds the classic VG style. Doesn't take long for the animation to reach the climax, big bad boss fight. Feels like the motion in the air could have been captured better somehow, it doesn't seem like he's falling, more like hovering, but apart from that it's all good. Keep it going!


lol, that beginning cracked me up. Nice seeing some of the classic SMB elements coming to good use, though the new elements certainly don't compare to the old ones. The mixture of oldskool and hightech is great as always, and the action brutal, even more so with the sound effects. Keep it up!


This series just keeps getting better and better. Mixing in videogame characters and transforming like this is a kickass concept. Great animation, great graphics, music that really fits the theme, and nice neat options to customize quality throughout the movie. Shame there's still no voice acting through. Keep it going!


lmao, it's like the precessor to that arrow of the knee cliche. Catchy music, and some pretty insane entertainment. Well done!


Haha, pretty neat mashup of random entertainment. They're not all short either, that one show with the choking dude was... strange. His thought process is just hilarious. He almost takes it too far though, the beginning skits were fun but the end of it is just.. woah. Interesting watch!


Haha, nice. Not really what I expected from the name though. Neat with the normally creepy characters turned tame and... friendly? The end was a nice twist too, smooth, simple animation. Easy to watch. Keep it going!


Nice, a friendly Christmas animation! When that Elf pulled his tongue away I thought it broke off, looked like it, but it turns out Santa wasn't that brutal after all. The music is warm and Christmassy, the animation smooth (though it feels a bit slow) and happy, and the sky in the background especially is warm and bright, a radient light. Nice animation!


Damn, that dude is brutal! Just burnspeople, kills people, and then... blam. Nice note about the Government at the end, almost makes it seem like an official statement. :) Twas a fun watch, keep it up!


A talking portrait? That was kind of neat. I like how it just freezes up at the end and... nothing happens. lmao, probably waited a minute for something to popup, but its nice that it doesn't. It ends when it ends. The idea was pretty neat. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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