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This was pretty good. Nice idea to divide the guitarplay into different sections so you can skip to your favorite part with ease. I'm not that great at guitar myself, but it looks like the strumming and chord progression is supposed to be the real thing? That's not something you see often in Flash. Great music, great realism in the animation (well, not the sticks, but everything else!). Keep it going!


Shitty bluray? Hah, seems like times were different back in 2007. The ending is just perfect, lmao. Recording quality is the only thing that could be better in this, it's just perfect otherwise. Keep it up!


Oh man what a sweet home, dark and drear... err, airy. I used to think all those boxes were actually builings, but considering there's a roof the water drops through, the revelation was made clear to me in this one. As always, simple idea; great interpreation of it, and nice to see Snoopy starring too. Keep it up!


Haha, another great Skyllhead episode! These are always so simplly creative. Just the beginning transition, zooming out on the fly to reveal the cake; zooming out further to review Skullhead, so easy yet so perfect transitions. It's a chase between locations, with a fly (I suppose) as inspiration; spider in contemplation. The fly-catching scheme doesn't turn out like expected, haha, nice work! I did expect the skull to break the net, but wth, physics don't apply in comedy. :)


Woah, what a crazy venture into a realm of gore and carnage where people like to dance and kill each other and absolutely nothing makes sense at all. No plot. Amazing animation. Crazy music.


Haha, I guess I'll be far and give this a high score. :D Short and sweet. At first I thought it'd be some kind of transvestite joke what with the one-person voice acting for all characters, but that didn't sidetrack the plot for long. Nice work!


Snubby responds:

Actually, the hooker and guy are two different voice actors.

Haha, so random. Any inspiration fetched from the Adams? It does remind a bit of the Thing, a bit, because it's a hand... obviously. Great work at making the hand appear like it is... just a hand, with a life of its own. Simple idea, great result!


Haha, awesome, it lasted longer than I expected too, all the way through four different tracks. The placement of his plectrum is just perfect, lmao, short and hilarious. Keep it going!


What a clash of beasts! ;D Can't say Bambi looks as frail as in the movie, but compared to Godzilla I'd say Bambi does look a lot more like Bambi. There's no battle at all! I was expecting some kind of... odd kjnd of carnage... of well, props for surprise!


lmao, took a while before I found the pun... watching it again it's obvious though. Smooth animation, acward situation; really perfect music at the end. Keep it going!


Brewster responds:

Thanks! I'll keep going it

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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