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I don't know but... there's definitely something about it! :D

Nice one.


So powerful. I thought for sure it'd end in a brighter way, that she gets her mother (wasn't sure about the connection until I read the description though) back, and they bring color back to the world just like they did at the beginning, but maybe that would've been too simple; too predictable and plain, instead the odds just keep amounting...

It really gets dark in those final moments, but still there is hope. Love the ambiguity after all, and the torment of emotion that comes with it. Really didn't expect to feel so much! Started this thinking like it might be a reflection on the battle for inspiration, but that optional artistic struggle feels undeserving a mention after this.

Beautiful work. Artistic flair. Solid sound design too. So powerful.


Animation's great but actually following the dialog hmm! XD

Accent's awesome though just: difficult!!!


If I knew what this was referencing hmm...

The quality of animation/voicing here is just fantastic regardless though. Love the way the ears convey the mood.


Don't think I saw this the same way last time I saw this. XD Unexpectedly violent kinky squirreling here... but Pilz-E sure has a way with words. Miss these days...


With the monumental HATE at the very end, I wonder if maybe the rape doesn't only imply rapeseed after all, maybe it has some further meaning, a nod as to how the industry abuses their power, or as to how our lives are eventually claimed, or something with regard to the girl after the first stone was cast - maybe she's that symbol of innocence and naivete, and he's the powerful one... I was going to suggest the title here may be a little misleading for those with English as a native language but maybe that's intentional too..

This was amazing though. The way you move from one emotion to another. How you manage to convey such profound sadness and regret in one moment and then snap back to something different entirely with the next, it feels both profound and bizarre, a rollercoaster of emotions, with layers of implications no less, leaves you thinking; leaves you feeling; leaves you both seeing and seeking all kinds of meaning! Beautiful work. And the visual aspect's great. The shadow creeping in, the eye sockets, the rain, all details so thought-out.

The sound design here too: incredibly clarity. Thorough production in all areas.

Thanks for this! What an experience.


Well that was nice. :) Was expecting some kind of brutal or more NSFW twist somewhere, some kind of grand vengeance, something that broke the fourth wall, maybe Pac-Man and the pink ghost got it on, or maybe he'd share that apple with the orange one; they'd all become friends... who knows...

In the end it was refreshingly direct! And even less predictable because of it. Just thoroughly fun to follow.


HOwLiNG-MAdFoxHatter responds:

I am glad you enjoyed : D

Whats kinda funny is I was worrying through out the production of this if I was being to cliche with some beats, so I am very happy to hear that it felt fresh ^u^

The longest running show on NG at this point probably. :) By episode count. And a pretty intense arc with this one too! Not bad...


lmao! XD Never played this game but despite the apparent flaws I really want to now...

Heard a lot of things about Shenmue too. In difference from the Sonic realm this is one I'd actually not mind getting into, seems like my type of gig, eternal box motions or no!

But this was hilarious. I know you've made so much more elaborate stuff in the past but just might be my favorite so far.


Ahh times were simpler back in the day. XD This was great...


Bamboo Shoots!

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