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A plotline opening up for a sequel, maybe? I love the animation, and the crummy characters, the crumbling comedy, the just-right length of the tale. There's drama, there's action... in this one particularly there's also a fair share of randomness. Keep it going!


mukpuddy responds:

Cheers!! The follow up is on the way :)

Yeah! Keep the protest going! They should definatel get rid of this heinus social networking option... that isn't even an option any longer. Their stubborness is keeping people away, but I guess with their traffic numbers they don't much care. Great animation; great message! I like how the Google+ critter looks like the classic Flash files from the Blammed movies too. Nice work!


AonymousMAN responds:

THX man :) (sun)

Well this was random. :D I was obviously expecting the guy on the cliff to attempt flying, and fall splat on his nostrils, but eh... that didn't happen. Entertaining music; smooth animation. Keep it going!


SonicWombat responds:

Absolutely cool review-- thanks a lot, man.

This is just poo much. XD So true, so hilarious. Great voicing, great humor, and simple animation that effectively backs it up. Nice work!


I can relate to this! In the past couple of weeks I can't count the times I've accidentally (I mean out of habit) clicked a comment like and been prompted to login... I don't even post comments, imagine all the hardships I'd have to suffer if I did! This video pretty much expresses everything I feel, I don't dislike Google +, but I dislike everything about this integration. Great video, great choice of music. Keep it going! And no it's never too late... not until they fix the issue.


Haha, this was awesome! Love the music, how it never stops, just keeps flowing, duane and brando swapping verses at frenetic pace, mixing in comedy, and everything syncing with the music... I hope there'll be more like this! For all kinds of classic games and series! Duke Nukem could make for some entertaining comedic sketches! Or how about Cave Story? One Piece? Tetris? So much potential here... keep being awesome!


funymony responds:

I'm a huge fan of music videos that sync up to the rythm of the music. Otherwise they come off a little too artsy and don't get me pumped up. So I'm glad you enjoyed this vid!

DnB did some other songs, you can check them out on BandCamp (Link in the description.)
I think they already animated a few on their youtube channel. But I'm definitely going to have to work on another project with them. :D


Haha, what an odd conversation... and yet so hilarious. Great reasoning, great voicing, a fast pace so you never get bored... and a rather unexpected ending too. Nice to see a Castle Crashers character make an appearance too. Great work!


Looks like a homeage to the less classy controversial movies that made NG to what it was; now's definitely the perfect time for something like, to send out a message that Group 2 is all but dead! Bit harsh, but all for artistic freedom huh... and the symbolism with PiGPEN is easy to see. At the end I'm getting mixed messages though... fuck censorship, or really just accept it and calm down? This creation is like a big paradox on that message.


Woah, en entire DVD in flash form.. though it's not such a long movie it's definitely one of the more extensive productions I've seen in a while. Don't think I've read the previous comics though so in a way it feels like the story doesn't really bond with me. The writing is elaborate, and at the same time it's written in a fragmented way like Memento or other noir thrillers. I like the mixture of typography and outlines, it works well for the most part, but the characters some times fade away into the scenery. It's also much more of a story than an animation, and one that doesn't feel particularly rewarding, as we don't grow to know the characters, as it doesn't seem there's anything that really drives them onwards or anything is actually complicated at the end, despite the well-versed tale and complex bonds and syndicates detailed. Extra material explains quite a bit, but as a wholesome experience the movie is like a fragment. Anyway, great work putting all of this together, and nice to see it's an NG exclusive too... I'll definitely be a follower. Keep it up!


Haha, a legitimate topic. :D Awesome wordplay with the title, entertaining/partially expected end to the chat; great voice acting and animation. Glad to see Rocky make an appearance too. Keep it up!


Bamboo Shoots!

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