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Woo, been too long since the last Sald Fingers episode! Great quality as always, great animation, an unexpected plot veiled in mystery and antiocipation, great voicing... well great everything. Keep it going!


Unusually dramatic Game Grumps episode here! The spooky atmosphere's a nice shift from the normal constantly-comical ones, nice sudden shift in mood/lighting/everything at the end there. As long as they're fun there'll never be too many of thse. Keep it going! And welcome to NG. :)


For Uni?! For NG I'd understand... but you must have some pretty tolerant teachers to feel free enough to make something like this for school. It's a strangely matter-of-fact animation, no delving into character emotions, no desperation, no fighting, just crime; justice, all events outlined in their basic form. Basic, gruesome; a thrilling scenario. Nice work!


Awesome, all the way from start to finish. The fluid fighting animation, the eh... the smooth animation in the fights the.. flashy fighting effects. Awesome fights. Light-hearted humor, light-hearted fighting, some good music at the end... nice blend of comedy and action, with characters that seem to resemble them old Kung-Fu classics. Not sure if there's supposed to be some character reference I'm not ware of here? Either way though, great work!


This ends waaaay too suddenly. The beginning is awesome, just the perfect blend of graphic and sound, the war, Little Red appearing in a burst of color, the maniacal laughing and then... that's where the awesomeness dies down a bit. It definately serves its purpose though, as a promotional animation. I'm curious enough to click the link now. Hope this'll turn into something awesome one day!


Haha, anything this random is definsted for greatness. :) Great animation, great music... no critique I can provide, though it would have been cool if everything rhymed. Keep it going!


Yyyyeeeeahhh I don't get the joke at all.. I did get a nice glimpse at Christmas though, the warmth, the familiar melody, the winter raging outside... it's a nice scene even if the pun is lost on me. As for those candle bell thingies, they're still really common here in Sweden (I didn't know they existed anywhere else!), though we usually only light one or two candles to prevent them from spinning so damn fast. Anyway, keep up the good work!


Yeah, this is a pretty awesome song... so feelgood somehow. The animation that goes along with it is simple and entertaining, though it ends a bit abruptly. Btw, as for song credits that could be included alongside submission info, in the side panel. Keep it going!


Incredibly professional presentation of the solar system! I've probably known most of this earlier in life, but this was a great way of refreshing previous wisdom, and in a very graphical fashion that is easy to understand as well. Informative; illustrative, great presentation!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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