It transformed into... fire! :D Heh, nice explosions, keep it going!
It transformed into... fire! :D Heh, nice explosions, keep it going!
Heh, I was expecting something dramatic to happen, hmm.. shooting. Guess that'd the regular NG influence, but I'm glad he least survived aboard the plane at least! Good thing there's an after-credit glimpse into the yet somewhat hopeful future of this polar critter. Keep up the great work!
A totally SFW piece of regular grand thievery and automobilia, entertainment for the entire family, educational and recreational, and best of all dismotivating for all future criminal watchers! Great animation, great voicing, great idea. And you can tell how many stars you get. :P Keep it going!
Hah, so that's how the voicing acting scene really works! Bad takes have never been this entertaining, keep it going!
Haha, Weird Al seemed like a suitable piece for the introduction... but turns out he doesn't even come close to the level of randomness here-in portrayed. Love the visual variation, all those expressions, penguins, anime sidekicks, all them voice actors! No idea what's really going on but it was a terrific trip. Keep it going!
A masterful craft! I'm not sure I get the connection between the first scene and the second one, when he bites into the apple... is that the truth? Is that a fear he faces? Is that the honesty of his world? The music, voicing and graphics are all top-notch, can't wait to see what this'll turn into. Keep it going!
The beginning reminds me a bit of Weebl's animation, same style of both graphics and accenting, smooth and aristocrastic. Wasn't expecting the end though, that random conversation seemed like the traditional batch of fun. So... how much did SpecSavers sponsor this for? :P Great work!
One million grand, a private continent and my very own space shuttle if you must know.
Thanks for the kind words!
Haha, so random! :D Great animation; great voicing... and death and a cat... why death and a cat? What crazy idea made this random character combo possible? And why no cops on fire? I'm OK with the lack of erections though. Keep up the crazy work!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04