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Snake saves the day yet again! :D I was expecting more of a battle, but this was just geniusly portrayed. Great work!


Haha, definately the best episode yet! Also the first one in which I can relate to pretty much eerything said, except for that last part about how wearing glasses was suddenly made OK. I still hate glasses, but fortunately I'm not in school any longer so not seeing all forms of writing on whiteboards (can't remember the last time I saw a chalkboard, seems like those were phased out quick!) is no longer a problem. The only time they are a must-wear is while driving, but then again I could see the big E so I probably wasn't living in a N64 world... not outside my spare time at least.

Anyway, great work on this, it's all the more fun when it's something that seems familiar, and props for the air BOOM surprise, made me jump. Looking forward to the next one!


Woo, another fun episode! Great animation and voice acting, as always, and pretty detailed views too. Just noticed that some of them are drawn intwo layers, wondering if the game has sceneries like that hmm... keep up the good work!


Vegeta and Uncle Scrouge, lmao, genius character combo. Crazy bowling/gangnam style combination, awesome hand effects, perfect Schwarzenegger mimicry, a crazy final battle with some funky Bleach music and the money bin getting blasted away once again. Despite the length it was fun to watch, I'm surprised it kept the pace all the way through. Looking forward to the next ep!


You could've applied for some Redbull sponsorship for that credit mention. :P Love the animation, and I'm surprised it hasn't been done earlier, the simplest ideas turn out great. Apart from the after-credit speech, I like how wordless this is as well, no speech needed to convey the message... and it's a good message.

The sceneries are somehow a bit plain in contrast to the grandeur I was expecting, not so much detail in the landscapes themselves. For the characters however, the animation is incredibly fluent, and the sound is perfect, lifelike sounds for insects, movements, items... pretty much everything. Great watch!


lmao, did not expect that ending! Simple idea, great animations, a rapid character transformation and vuctory theme song at the last meal... nice work!


HogisLeDude responds:

Thanks. =D

Different! I was expecting a fight between cats, so that's the first surprise, second's the violence. It starts off pretty simple, but the death scenes are so brutal, way more detail than the other aspects, complete with pretty gruesome sound effects. The sunset setting was beautiful! And why two cats btw? What happened to that other one? Was it just.. a decoy? :O Keep it going!


MoustacheButler responds:

I like to think of it as 'cats have nine lives', but ultimitly I'm not too sure either

Well that was random, lmao. Great animation; great voice acting; as for the plot... no idea what's actually going on, but whatever it is it was well done, keep it going!


So the moral of the story is... your heart is yours and yours alone, don't give it away? :P Great way to get into the right Christmas spirit! Genius.


Haha, awesome, the animation, the music, the wordlress moral (I mean... it leaves them speechless. :P). Great work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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