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lol, and nobody's noticing the Star Wars cap... great interviewi! Sketchy style works nicely, the voice acting's great; facial acts enforcing. Keep it going!


lmao, another great Game Grumps animation. Smooth transitions, sketchy graphics, fun pun and fast pace... and I'm not missing the lack of lipsync either, the jumpy transitions work nicely. Keep it going!


Oh man, the animation was just awesome, real professional quality. But the voices unfortunately don't match the quality of animation, at many occasions the characters say their phrases as if they were read straight from the script, in a hesitant way but not naturally hesitent, with equal pause between each word rather than less co-ordinated breaks between them. I feel that if the speech could be made more realistic the atmosphere would gain a boost too. Looking forward to the next episode!


Woo, that was intense! Started thinking about how it must be a lot of work just to sync all of those sound effects. Fast-paced animation, varied action; plenty of length to the fight. It's great, and has pretty pompous music to back it up as well. Scythe part's got to be a favorite, really fluent fighting style on that one. Keep it going!


An educational film which I am somehow assuming to be factually correct despite the seemingly random scenario! Hope I am not misguided by false hopes of truth and whimsical wisdom? Nice work!


RadioTubeClock responds:

Don't worry, it's legit :)

lol, that guy... no cookie monster references? Alternative ending was what I expected the first ending to be, crazy stuff. Also, you could've made a looping version of this, eternally ongoing. Nice work!


koit responds:

He has a cheeky resemblance. Perhaps he's his cousin !?

As with the alternative ending, yeah that was what the original was going to be, but then I decided, nah, I'll kind of trick people by having something other than what they expected there.


lmao, crazy times. Though Simon never gets bigger picture the viewer certainly does. I like the gritty overlay on the animation, the politely condescending oldskool type of speech, people flipping literally, that water fountain lap... it's a... seemingly a bit random series of events that doesn't lead anywhere but really entertains. Keep it going!


YULFO83 responds:

Awesome feed back. Thanks bud :)

Awesome fight, the 3d effects were pretty effective, plenty of variation, some fun dialog in the mix... and I think this is the first time I see a rainbow in a stick fight! :D Keep it going!


Well that was... that was random. Not really getting the joke, but the animation's slick. Nice work on that!


Haha, awesome... at the end that overly excessive oppair portion of the character design attains a real purpose! And lmao those statues in the background, nice detail. This was a fun watch, intense, entertaining; visually appealing. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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