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lol, that was random. Love the fluidity and dialogless comedy with which the plot moves forward, just walking along the street when the zombies come running, stepping in (I'm assuming) radioactive puddle that gives the one guy brainspiders, stuffing the friend in a trash can and ending up lumberrolling on it away from a skeleton dog and his rider. And then comes the spider. Each twist's a new surprise, suspenseful and smooth, great watch!


LevaBoy responds:

thanks, this animation is part of the story of my halloween animations of the past years. Your interpretation of my work is great, thank you very much for watch and comment :D

lol, not bad at all for a first attempt! The transitions work well (though maybe a bit slow), the sound effects/inaudible animal dialog match the events aaand it actually has a workring script, albeit one with a bloody and brual ending. :O How about a basic menu/play button type of thing for the next one? Keep it going!


lmao, another crazy episode! Since the one with everybody turning into paper cut-outs, the entire world disappearing, as if it was but a dream... these episodes seem to be on a streak of imaginative themes! I like it. Creative, crazy but still with a definite connection to the trials of regular office life. Keep it going!


Glad this thing managed to sneat into the daily awards! Despite somewhat choppy FBF at times (felt like the more adult scenes were always smoother, but maybe I'm just imagining things...), it's a pretty elaborate video, a fun and slightly offensive trek through the stars! Lyrics are clever, the song's good, the tune's catchy, the guitar play is on another level professional. Great work!


This was awesome. The music, the incredibly fluid FBF, a female superhero symbolizing a new world order where friendship and peace reunites us - or was that a dream in the shower? Everything fits the music, and the music fits the animation: the end result is just a perfect fit. Beautifully storylined too, all the way past that final puff of smoke that leaves us thinking... maybe she was the dream, and her dreams of unity with it? Or maybe she was the heroine after all, styleful exit merited. Thanks for the inspiration!


Seems like the brewing of a new, unique, stickman universe adventure series! :D So far so good! Plotline wasn't the most elaborate, but an easy joke to understand at least. Looking forward to #2!


Hanif13 responds:

Thank you. #2 coming soon on December :)

lmao, first time I thought he said "Dude, you're bald"... wondered what that had to do with his spherical shape. :P Anyway, fun and simple short, even with the surprisingly gloamy Pikachu in the background (usually one of the cheerful characters hmm). Nice work!


RebelCampfire responds:

lol, thanks man! I thought switching Pikachu's role around might end up being pretty fun to do, and it was :)

Bamboo Shoots!

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