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Short, simple and efficient, and even with the snowflakes but flakes of paper it really gets the holiday spirit across. The subtle motions of all individual flakes is probably the most impressive part, the character doesn't do much, but does appear with appreciation and presence, an element of life in what would probably otherwise be a somewhat somber paper landscape. Nice work!


Heidi-Eillott responds:

Thank you glad you enjoyed it.

Beautiful. Feels like just the dance would've been enough, but all the effects, the elements; incredibly fluency of each motion add so much to the animation! The beginning was perfect, but towards the end I started noticing how she raises just the same leg all the time, wheras the beginning moved between the two, just one point of detail that started to grow pretty repetitive during the last minute or so when there really is a lot of leg-raising going on. But overall, it was amagical, masterful motion of animation!


A hand-drawn version of the actual action! :D Nicele crafted!


Barvel always delivers! :D Though, it seems strange this movie's soundless, some encoding issue upon upload maybe? I've heard of similar issues in the past. Hope it's fixable... if there is indeed sound. If not, that's really all it's missing! Keep it going.


CHEAPTOONS responds:

There is a sound version of this, I'd just uploaded it to my newground account, still l waiting for it to be uploaded and if you can't see it now... you can alway look it up on my youtube account
just go to youtube.com/chaeptoons and find the video entitled galaxy avengers

and thanks for the comments too !!!

Justice is served! And with such poetical prowess too! :D Love it.


No screaming this time? :P Didn't really get an impression from the last episode if this series was in past or present, though I thought it'd be present considering the glacier breaking/potential global warming/etc, but this time it looks more like the past, with such visious beasts roaming the glaciers! Another great episode!


lmao, that's one talented trace-artist! XD Love the background details too, pens are lethal!


So the vicious beast finally dies! What a hunt. The way it going at the start I didn't expect the chuppacabra to even show itself, and when it did... looked more like a wolf than an actual monster. But it was nicely animated, suspenseful, with spaghetti-Westernish (or maybe just Spanish) music in the background, good sound effects too. Keep it up!


Apart from that occasionally crazily clipping audio this was an awesome mesh of refreshingly crazy Thanksgiving animation, and so much of it I was thinking it might just go around the clock! Keeps a higher quality than you might expect at the first pass of gravy. :P Keep it up CC!


Woah, that was bizarre! Well, until the end, lmao. And an anime reccomendation huh, wasn't expecting that, nor the reccomended manga amongst the comments... seem like they might be worth checking out! Nice work.


Narwelch responds:

It's definitely worth checking out, and I assure you there is no anal penetration as far as I know haha

Bamboo Shoots!

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