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So hmm... I'm guessing saplings may be weapons in that game? Entertaining short, complete with totally random big tit reference (I guess that's another inside joke though...). Keep it up!


The birds and the bees and all that... though with no birds! What a special moment... and I love that full-screen facial zoom-in as he spots the flowery reflection in the distance. Stylishly done!


Haha, nice one. Gets me thinking of similar plots for Magikarp, though course that'd be BEFORE he evolves. Keep it going!


Evy-Devy responds:

Thanks. The sequel will be Magikarp vs Feebas. It will be REALLY EPIC!!!! And the finale for the trilogy will be Ditto versus it's twin, Ditto. (JK)

Who needs the game when you've got parodies like this! So many familiar characters mingling in the most entertainingly violent ways. Nice work!


lmao, that was crazy... glad it ends happily though, after the credits. :D Love the crazily exagerated cartoony style of the characters; looking forward to more!


Interesting mesh of styles and artistry! There seems to be more sliding, swirling, panning and splattering images than actual animation (the character herself a colorful exception) but it turned out an interesting and effective way to illustrate the story. Wish there was more to this! Really nice work with all the detail in those illustrations, and the special effects, the glow, the colorful dots floating around harmoniously, occasional vector images framing in the scenes. Keep it going!


Eggabeg responds:

Aye thank you! Time constraints were a big focus for the project with about 8 weeks from start to deadline plus some extra for final edits, I wanted a real polished piece to hand in but it was quickly becoming clear that full on animation (not allowed to use flash!) was guna be too much. SO, I took inspiration from the CG scenes from Diablo 3: RoS and Guild Wars 2 and decided I'd try mimic the feel of a moving world but with limited and quick animations actually taking place! The bits that work best are Red herself as each picture was arranged, printed, inked and motion captured back in but it was all getting a bit pricey and time consuming... for a Uni project at least! ;D

So that's what happens if you don't accept your FB friend requests. :P Or rather: that's what happens when you spend all your time on FB and stop caring about the world itself? Hope that's the message, a profound and inspiring one, yet still brought forth in a light-hearted and entertaining way! Animation's great too. Nice work!


AaLBERT responds:

Yes, that was the message :D
I'm glad you understand it besides it was on Spanish :)

And thanks for your glad words! ^w^

Things are looking brighter again! :D Love the satire, and all those twists and turns this series keeps taking. Keep it going!


An artistic short! Doesn't seem as elaborate or clever as the one with the dreams, but it still has a message it's trying to send out! Appreciate the variation in animation style too, seems there may be more surprises awaiting!


Well that was cute. :) Though the ending was so abrupt! Nice work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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