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Definately one of the more entertaining episodes in a while! :D A nice mixture of advice and insider info (like those donkeys) as well as other entertaining commentary, and some intriguing insight in that wondrous world of modeling. Nice work!


lmao, what a hairy adventure! XD Just that guys expression cracks me up, though it looks like it's a bit more elaborate than just a prank! Nice work as always! Doesn't looks uninspired either, though pretty short. Did that game manage to boost the economy at all? Hope things get better! Keep it going!


MisterHerbal responds:

Not at all cd! That game wasted more valuable time I could have made some income than actually boost any economy for me. LOL But yea the show must go on. Thanks for your feedback as always.

Argh, it's unfinished! :O Well, until that sudden break towards the end, I'm really enjoying the claymation craze. Brings me back to the day of Knox! The filming's great, claymation somewhat chunky for the parts where characters are getting helped up/etc but overall really smooth. It's a bit short though, looking forward to more!


Hmm, this Billy Lo character seems pretty familiar, as does the outro at the end... wonder if you've gone under any other account names here? The animation's great, voicing is hilarious, and the idea's awesome, even the site subtly referenced (well, kinda) in the introduction, so you know it's for this place it was made! Looking forward to more like this!


Pretty impressive for a first! I'm thinking having the 'first ani' in the title might automatically get you some low votes though, though they'd be completely unmerited. I like the start especially, with Dracula fading in and out of view with each flash of light, it's a stylish start to the stylish animation that follows. The colors and forms all flow together nicely, and that tween after the skeletons is probably the only 'nooby' part of it, though I guess that's a leftover stereotype from how newcomers usually use tweens for everything. It does fit in here. Music is great, aniomation's stylish, the flashes of light, etc all work well. Makes me want to go back and play the classics, nice work!


Nitemar responds:

Thanks for the critique cd! I'm really going to try and focus on more frame by frame animation in the future, I just had to use a lot of tweens to meet time deadlines for the end of the semester project. I think when I pick something up on my own time I'll give myself way longer than two weeks to try and get everything streamlined.

After learning how to add start buttons and replay buttons to avoid auto looping, haha. I've got a long way to go.

Haha, the way things are going I'm surprised they even try! Nicely animated, nice tribal music in the background, nice entertainment even for those who haven't played the real thing. Wonder if the sound effects are from the actual game? Keep up the great work!


NCH responds:

sounds a mix bag of actual sounds from game to stock sounds

Guess he decided to join the club. :) Short; simple fun! The combined 2D/3D animation effect is pretty neat, voice quality is clear and crisp, sound effects fit right in: overall it's all good. Keep it going!


Not bad for a first! The animation moves in tune with the music, and the final scene of the Earth vibing in ful rainbow spectrum was a pretty cool idea. Cat's like Nyan. ;) Keep it going!


lmao, lame jokes make for the best entertainment. :) The lipsyncing's great, moving mustaches and all. Animation itself is pretty basic, and looks somewhat unfinished without color, but it is smooth! Keep it going.


The way everything's laid out, I thought this was a collab. Your name on top, site name at bottom. ;) It's a good layout though, and the play/pause/quality options pretty useful. Action was great! Brutal, varied; everything you could want with a Madness cartoon. If you do pause the movie though, the music runs on, runs out, and you're left to watch the rest in silence. Maybe sync the track with a layer in the time-line so it pauses as well when you pause the animation? Would be extra useful since you might want the sound to turn off as well when you pause (and do some other task). Anyway, great animation!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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