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lmao, she seems like such a calm and reasonable girl too... looks can be deieving! Was expecting just the one Game Grumps short, but I appreciate the trilogy, each segment equally entertaining and topically consistent. Nice work!


Getting some Crash Bandicoot vibes from that mask... could it be an inspiration? Though I guess Naughty Dog probably fetched their inspiration from actual masks, those items of ancient cultural heritage, etc. Groovy animation!


Simply awesome! That thing really looks alive! Wonder how many photos this took to make?


Pibolar responds:

Dude thanks! If I remember correctly it took somewhere between 700 and 800 frames.

What a contrast between the animation and the music. Animation was awesome, really cool mesh of special effects (After Effects?) and regular animation. Music was eh... interesting. XD Definately a different kind of Christmas tune! Nice work.


CooliSushi responds:

Thank you! All of my effects were done in Flash cs5.5, I have no idea have to use after effects. I may work on more music videos coming next year.

Heh, though he didn't really do a thing, he solved the case! The one thing it feels you could really improve here is the voicing for the detective character, though I know it's supposed to be a certain way, the monotone-low-serious type of talk isn't the easiest to catch in this one, might have to do with the added reverb, might just be the tone of voice, but it's not as audible as it could be. How about trying more of a high-pitch filter instead to make it stand out, if you do keep the tone? Animation was great though, creative colors, keep it going!


What an awesome idea making an Interactive movie theatre to contain those three shorts! And all three of them were great. The first was pretty fun, the second was actually prety tragic, the third... I didn't really get that much emotion from, even if the story was bizarrely creative. Love the idea, love the animation and everything, the short short in the tower and the Easter Egg that drops when you've watched all three... even if it linked to an animation off-site! Anyway, great work. Seeing this brings me back to the old days when movies could actually be interactive, there's way too little of it now, apart from the occasional collab credits or preloader play buttons. Keep it going!


Merol responds:

Thanks a lot! And movies can still be interactive, it is just more convenient to make them in video form most of the times.

Man that was... pretty disturbing. You'd think all the blood when he was accidentally stabbing his hand would've been enough, but then a giant accidentally kills him and eh... that's all. :/ Kinda sad ending. Was definitely an abstract piece though! Animation smooth and brutal. Nice work.


An entertaining glimpse into the ordinary everyday lives of superheroes. :P Nice one!


Mrldfx responds:

Everyone deserves some down time :3

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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