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Would probably have felt more sympathetic towards the main character had the enemies acted more like enemies, not like needless casulaties, minding their own business and peacefuly co-existing until the vicious Toad pops up in the picture! It's an impressive show of slick FBF animation though. ! I like the diamond bite - Chuck Norris level of toughness detail, and that girl appears outta nowhere (wonder who does the voice acting hmm). Was a fun watch overall!


k7vin responds:

Thanks for your review! The voice acting for toadette was all done by Cawatoons. At this point, I don't make an animation unless she has a voice in it. She's very easy to work with and crazy talented.

All great journeys start with one step, all great collections with one piece, all great series of animations with one Flash! Hope the Legion starts Looking up again! Seems you've Locked onto this New Year!


Definately managed to get that eerie atmosphere working in this, with sound, with the darkness; everything. It starts in tension, moves on with intentions to a story of a new dimension. Nice work!


Seems like this could be a prelude for something! At first the animation style/mood reminded me a bit of Afro Ninja. It moved more to noir as it went along, but the voice felt out of place - maybe too bold and badass for the flashbacks I'm used to in criminal drama. I like the gritty style and atmosphere, it tells a good story, but in the end... it's just started! What happens next?


Joenu responds:

Maybe it is a prelude. I've planned to make several animations taking place in this "world" - but with different protagonists.

Getting rid of both the fleas and the vicious beast at the same time! The Shaman's as clever as always, and we finally get to see that mysterious entity commonly glimpsed in the intro within the actual animation. It's a new dimension this time! Nice work.


Hah, simple but fun! Nice work.


The level of realism in this animation was pretty impressive! Could easily seem like footage straight out of a game, if you didn't know it wasn't. First person view throws you into the main character's place too, and lets you live into the scenario a bit, and Kratos; Freddy's is an interesting clash of character! Nice work.


For a first animaton this isn't bad at all! Animation's smooth, and I like the colorful background. There's plenty of detail, and a clever idea too, a flash for a Flash. :P Keep it going!


Guess you'd hear so much more with Fox ears too. ;) Simple fun, though seeing the Fox in control, with ultimate freedom of expression and everything, you'd expect he'd at least turn off the radio or something. Keep it going!


lol, for a moment there I thought she said "use a trap". Nice twist to this one somewhat mystifying of Pokemon statuses! XD


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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