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lmao, so that's the ultimate form, far surpassing the Super Saiyan! XD I wonder if there might be some copyright quelms about having that Cartoon Network logo top left (it's not like I watched DBZ on CN anyway), but apart from that, looks great, and feels a lot like the original.


That was... weird! No idea what's going on here, but no-sensical abstractness was entertaining in itself. I do recognize Alfred, though he's like a different dog without the common details of depravity and sexual scenery. Nicely animated!


Alienslushie responds:

Oh, he was raped off camera.

Oh, no obscenity, no profanity, nothing not entirely cute and kiddy! What a surprise! :D Was a fun watch though, refreshing indeed, and I suppose the random factor here are the eggs and their potentialy varied patterns? Wonder how many motives there are in total? Happy Early Easter!


koit responds:

Literally over half a million possible variations of the eggs :)

Hmm, when we woke up, lying in the forest, I thought he'd just woken up from a dream. Reading the description, looks like it's a memory, and he's putting up his daughter's old pictures on the trees? Because...? It did feel like a pretty melancholy animation, but the 'story's a bit hard to get, if there is one, if I'm not missing some obvious reference in regard to who he is that I should know. Nice work!


GhostToastAnimation responds:

Hi there!

He was supposed to be waking up from a dream of the last day he saw his daughter. I tried to place emphasis on the Oakside woods as a place the family would visit when Slender Mans wife was alive. (The necklace belonged to his wife) :)

Thank you for watching and for your input!

Not sure the music really fits in with the story (which btw I don't think I get), and some moments move a bit slowly, like when he's about to press the button at the end, just moving his head from side to side. Looks good, but could be a bit clearer. Keep it going!


Zelpai responds:

This was a video where I found a random song and turned it into a little story, which is pretty much where an Engineer starts a sentry nest and loses it all after leaving it unguarded. Towards the end, with the button, I wasn't able to make a great animation for it (but I am improving). Thanks for the support!

This is some monstrous frame by frame animation! Awesome fluency and creative depth, and good music to go with it. Only part that feels somewhat simple is the end, the morphing symbols, from one to the other - it feels like the perfect place for a whole mesh of motives to morph, a living canvas of creativity, not just thatsingle thing. But, considering the huge amount of effort already put into this, that's minor, it's great already. Masterful art in motion and melody.


The 'in a nutshell' part made me expect more puns, more scenerio stereotypes and this-isn't-supposed-to-happen moments, but turned out it was more of just a fun glimpse into the Mario Partly world! Nice music, nice drawing, a groovy mood making animation!


GingerPale responds:

Well thanks :) And yeah i realise the title is a bit misleading, my bad!

Hahaha maaan, that ending! XD One of those rare moments I actually break out laughing, and plenty of harmless comedy leading up to that one moment. Nice advice on how to not dig yourself out of a snow home in the middle of the city. Great work. Snowing here too btw.


ElectroJoe responds:

Thanks! glad ya enjoyed it. Spring is finally here and there's still an abundant amount of cold weather to endure :P

lol, so sadly true it's... not really funny! Though did give me a laugh. Nicely animated, though that dubstep tune at the end charges in and changes the mood pretty quickly, maybe tone that down a bit? Keep it going!


BadWorks responds:

thanks for the feedback man, and yes i overdid the outro didnt i :D
haha, and the music genre is jumpup dnb if u were wondering.
-Macky Gee - Skeptical ( that's tha sawng )

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