
13,874 Movie Reviews

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Beautiful! Sceneries, birds, the way you emphasize the motion by bringing a few swirling leafs into the picture... love it all! At the ending though, it looks like they're cuddling, but considering they just crashed through the canopy and the bluebird's face is entirely sheltered by the other's wing, there is also that slightly possibility that it's dead. I assume it's not so, but that one part could be clearer, maybe just show his face, so we can see it's smiling as the other (I do see the wing move, but that feels a bit ambiguous)!


lmao, though... at the same time it's hard to laugh with such a brutal final bathtub sequence! Was hoping you'd get some glimpse into the future lives of those (now probably very depressed) manatees after her impulsively tragic demise. A very randomly entertaining short overall!


I wonder who Griffin's real life representation is hmm, got to learn more about more people. Entertaining short!


So the sausage--- sacrificed herself for him! Apart from a sausage seeming like a particularly masculine edible, and the voices very gender-neutral, it was a tragic; stylistically animated romantic short! Showcasing a love... for food huh. I'm sure all can relate!


lmao, that picture pans to unwanted depths at the end there! XD Simple idea; crazy way of presenting it!


Really got to play this game sometime! The snippet of storyline's intriguing, I want to know more, what happens after, who that perfect soldier is, what their relationship is... so many questions! Animation was great, even if all the hand-to-hand combat moves, falls, turns, etc didn't really have the full agility or power it feels like it could've had... maybe to stay true to the game? Overall, nice homage to a grand classic.


The sad sad truths behind the grinding! :O Feels like it could have had more of a purely comical effect, but did entertain. Keep it going!


Silverelick responds:

Thanks for the review, I'll keep that in mind for future projects.

So the episodes have started! :D Happy to see it, though I must admit I expected... more. Apart from a little dialog, there really isn't much going on. The intro is most intense and eventful part, and outshines the rest of the episode a bit. Hoping there'll be more action with what's to come!


ArsenalStudios responds:

The reason for that is I had time to do the Intro. But only had a minimal amount of time to actually do the episode the way I wanted. Believe me I know it could be better. Thanks for your response. I appreciate it.

lmao, that was awesome! Shame it wasn't finished, but at least you managed to end it with a sense of finality! Love the melodic way of telling the story, even though the pronunciation isn't always so flawless you can easily take in all that's being said at the pace it's said. Reminds me a bit of the Lemon Demon music videos, somewhat random, yet consistent, with catchy hooks and videogame lyricism. Nice work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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