That traditional superhero(ine) drama with a twist, with a twist... with one additional twist towards the end there! :D Cleverly transitioned and real feelgood little short. Love it!
That traditional superhero(ine) drama with a twist, with a twist... with one additional twist towards the end there! :D Cleverly transitioned and real feelgood little short. Love it!
Pretty intriguing concept work! Looks more like a mixture of still art and transitions than actual animation for the most part, but very nice detail! This certainly has potential.
Literally cleaning them streets with the sponge, Bob! ;) It smelled funky at first, but as things progress... I do get into that awesome groove and all that jazz! A fresh ending too. Nice work!
My dreams, man, my dreams! :O Surfing through a landscape made out of only delicious edibles, being able to eat as much as you possibly want without feeling full, just gluttonously gliding on a lake of frozen Grapefruit juice... is never going to be the same again! But anyway, this was masterfully made, a gritty trip through a world of fuel and fat and wannabe willpower. I was starting to ponder what potential metaphors were stored in that microwave meal when... he opens it up and all that shizznit falls out of there! Suddenly it seems like it's more about the random factor than a message, though the artist statement does tell it's not so! Might've been more effectual a statement if he just opened the microwave and ate that bun, and then: The End. Well, it was good, entertaining, though-provoking and strange, and I do agree, we are what we eat. Nice work.
Thanks, cd.
What I was trying to get at with the ending was a more literal pun of our "microwave culture" creating and spewing out all of this post-waste. I still think your proposed ending would have kept to the 'you are what you eat' and health aspects better; I was trying to find a balance between only focusing on those aspects, and being more inclusive of other related aspects of our culture.
That ending... I really wasn't expecting that at all! I did figure out the ditto part as soon as he wiped his face off, but with all that other action-packed craze featuring the one and only... that really was a twist! Masterfully animated and voiced, loved the battles in particular, the bizarre slaughter and such eh... might've been even better without! Then again, the abstraction seems to make it less of a parody, and more of an artwork. Not bad.
I too had my second thought's about the violence, but we kept it in during the fight scene to try and convey the thought that something wasn't right with Pikachu.
Thanks for the review as always cd. Your kind words warm our stony hearts.
lol, didn't expect him to get thrown out like that! If anything, I was thinking of a more brutal ending here... though I am glad it never came to that! Entertaining little short.
That is one big dog! :D Really warm and cozy little short! Expressions at times feel overly expressive, so much shifting from one to the other. though I do like that there's no need for language at all, it's easy to follow along by reading their faces. Nice work!
That advice on panic attacks was spot on, great methods and mind-tricks, animated in an entertaining and friendly way. Additional tips in the description too. Past the halfway point it turned on me a bit though, from advice I can relate to and take to heart - based on understanding yourself and fighting your own demons, to believing in a supreme entity and turning to them for help... I'm sure the intention's good, but I'd rather it ended when the animated advice was over, feels like all I'd need did I need to re-find my inner peace and again come to the realization that: your mind's your own and the world all that you make it. All for that love and peace part though! Nice work.
Well this was... not really what I expected to see! But it is a nice intro, simple, with a catchy melody to accompany it... now for the content to accompany the intro. :P
This is one inspiring piece of music! With inspiring footage to go with it, though does feel like the pompous build-up during the introduction fades away into a somewhat more regular melody towards the end, not as pompous all the way, as I'd expected it. Anyway, great work, and glad to see the series has been way more than fully-funded already!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04