So much controversy here! :D Awesome stuff, entertaining, mind-awakening, inspiring! Can't say I ever fell asleep in a church, but then again I didn't grow up in them either: for the occasional funeral or wedding or that one baptism way back in the day when I'm told I cried all the time, I'm always a mixture of uncomfortable and in awe in these great masses of architectural art. Something about how there may be a higher entity dwelling there maybe, looking down upon me, judging... or just that atmosphere of solemn silence and sometimes somber song, and what feels like a facade of praise in preaching that doesn't really reach deep into people's souls and let them flow and shed their sin and be reborn new people as they exit those heavy wooden doors and stroll along the sunlit path to the parking! Well, that's my experience, all for Christian values, but not much of a believer at the moment. Chakras and all that... seems more logical! Great watch.