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True story? Wasn't expecting it'd go so well, but hey, looks like... she got the job...? Voices are kinda hard to bear, but good progression otherwise.


flashmakeit responds:

Thank you so much for the score and the review.

Sooo that's how it all began? Some pretty serious discrimination there. Just because he's blue. :P Nice ep, and the transition from demon to crowd was actually pretty good. Still bit sudden character flips/motions otherwise.


If you hadn't shown him going to bed in the early stages, this could've been his life. The pieces fit together. Symbolic. Metaphoric. The Worker Joe, Warrior Joe, a strange take on the fears that follow the everyday Joe; you'd keep wondering... is this a dream? Is it an alternate world? What IS this? The intro explains it as it is, but I wonder the clarity's for better or worse. Not only at the end, but even at the beginning can you say "Oh, it's just a dream", as if that explains away the drama.

But intro or no intro: this was amazing! Such a showcase of skill, and suits, and secretaries, and yet in the end commitment, and the bane of kids are a bigger fear than the game of bids, and the big bad boss that sits in his office. Love the style. The overall vibe. Matrix-like suits. The secretaries in particular, and even without the intrigue the fights feel 'deeper' than fights usually do. Both nicely choreographed and scripted! I watched this a few times after each other, actually. Really great.


Haha, well that was fun! Nerve-racking and tense, I mean, but what a light finale. You do capture that pressure. In the end, the only contestant is yourself after all.


Haha, I do recognize that feeling! XD Though not so much during the day as during those dark hours where you really need to sleep, and as soon as you turn off the light... great humor, very everyday and easy to get into, and the lack of reactions makes it all the more humorous. Great finale too.


That villainous street artist! Well, if people don't pay for their performances... guess they've gotta make 'em pay. :P Refreshingly random stuff.


Well that was pretty disturbing! Disturbing with a message though, and masterful claymation/stopmotion too. Hope people take something to hear from this.


Didn't know not cleaning your room could have such serious consequences! XD Was expecting some twist there, but not really like this! Brutal.


Not a bad something. :) Speedpainting a New Year greeting, not a bad idea, and hope there's no copyright issue with that music. ;) Happy 2017!


Soupcat responds:

Theres no copyright issue because its straight from the audio portal ;)

I added it in the credits but Im doing it remote so I might not show up instantly.

Happy new year man. Love your eternal presence.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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