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A pretty fastĀ“-paced teaser, this one! Nice work.


Real shame parts 1-4, and old versions of the movie no longer work (since they rely on an external server), but otherwise it's not a bad collection. Always nice having everything in one place, just wish it was a future-proof combo! It's a good series (at least the latest two editions - seems I may never see the first four).


Well that was waaay more intense than the teaser might've made you believe! The silhouettes against the background sun look the same, but the mood is world's apart. I love the style, and the intensity of it all. Some close-up detail still looks a bit basic, like the drops of blood, but overall: impressive action! Nice work.


Definitely a lot more detail in this one! And color, and background, and fittingly grimy music in the background too. Sets the pace, and a whole other atmosphere! It's really more than just an upgrade too: it's a whole new thing. Easy to see the improvement. Nicely done.


Not a bad teaser! The mood feels almost unnaturally ambient, with that poppy Opera-like music in the background, but it plays well with the scenes. Wonder what kind of atmosphere this'll have, in contrast to the fifth one. Not bad.


Stick action evolving fast, since the 'Grenade Man' era! :) Wonder whatever happened to Wanterd 1-4 though? Were they here... once upon a time? Though the quality in this doesn't really compare to castle, it's not bad at all. Fluent movements and an elaborate script too. Only the graphics (close-ups, blood, backgrounds...) leave a little to be desired. Nice action!


So crazy. XD And the music's a huge part of the action too! Pretty explosive, though the simple stick figures bring down the intensity a little. Maybe just their lack of expressions. Either way, good short. Boom: sums it up nicely!


A strangle ambient ending to this otherwise so violent series... and we never do get to know who won that final fight! All the more intriguing to see how things turn out in the second season, especially with the quick preview at the end. If I did watch this back in the day I don't remember this far into the series at all. It's getting interesting!

And it definitely is a whole new world with the voices too! Nicely done. A solid season finale.


Jumping back into this series after maybe a decade without, and I must say I'm a bit surprised at how basic the graphics were in this - in my memory there was so much more detail, but that said, the action sequences are still fluent as few, and both tension and story flows along nicely. It takes me back, and into the action right away, and right after Mill says 'Next' I'm off to watch the sequel. :) Great to be back; see this stood the test of time so well! Even if animation quality hasn't kept up with modern standards as much, the gritty style of old was special in that everybody could get into it, both make it, and enjoy it, and live into the creative world. Great stuff.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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