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Bit sketchy, but awesome. :) Any Kill La Kill reference with the scissors hmm? If so I wonder what the green spear's fetched from.

I like the comical tone to it, even if the end's a bit brutal for comedy! Good fight. Creative, fast-paced and varied.


Awez responds:

The purple character isn't mine so you'd have to ask him ;^)

Is it... really here?! I like the feeling this short conveys. The atmosphere. Maybe not the notion that you forget the season so much (winter's cola and dark and dreary and way too hard to keep your mind off over here), but that you realize... it's over! It's not it begins! A wind of change blows in! New things begin to stir and the green in the world emerges, and sweeps you off the verge in a mercy of verdant purpose! Nice short.


Well that was random. :) Strangely educational too, for a Madness short. Felt like it all ended a bit too abruptly, but was going good a while there!


I see, anxiety really can be dangerous! XD When he arrived at the office and grabbed the cat I thought he'd throw it out the window btw. Maybe unknown and uncharacteristic to what seems like a very nice character but...that's what I thought would happen, anyway. Since he didn't, maybe I assumed it'd all work out at the end too; he'd just grab a parachute and all would be OK as usual. Interesting how that spirals out of control so quick, when up till that point it was just relatably entertaining.

All nicely animated btw, and I like the combination of old and cute. It's a working combo, and the black and white actual flight footage fits in seamlessly. Nicely done, though the ending...


Aw man, ending just as it was about to get interesting! Good stuff.


Before I read the lyrics it felt like something way more profound, but I can see the symbolism with the eyes... at least. I was imagining it had something to do with lust, or heartbreak, or something related to relations, the clash of pain and love, and frustration and longing, and all that... text made it seem a bit more shallow than it did when I let my imagination roam free, so maybe the way to get the most out of this video is by not understanding it. :)

Love both the animation and the music though, it's heavy, rough, and brutal, and anamorphic; full of re-occurring symbolism and disturbing loops. Not that I like disturbing, but it seems to give meaning, to put a face to something you can't convey, and the music goes great with it.


Strange how that overly dramatic music went so well with that animation. :) Simple but effectual! Bit weird you can't really differentiate between the flies though, as car as gender goes, considering it's a romantic kind of short and all. Not that flies look all that different to the common eye, but with this kind of cartoon it'd seem like the common approach to maybe add some eyelashes to one, or differentiate between them by color, or some of those other gender-based stereotypes we use for such purpose.

I liked the animation though! Quick, methodical, with a clear protagonist and flare for drama.


LUCA-FATTORE responds:

Thanks a lot for the creative input.
You have a good point, the girl should be more recognizable.
I have planned another short with this concept and I will definitely redesign her.

Creative, spontaneous fun! Just the right music for that kind of mood, too. It sure is a precise and pedagogic occupation that paleontology one!


LUCA-FATTORE responds:

Thanks : )

So unexpected! XD This could be the new thing! Props for highly melodic oldskool hiphop newschool nosy finale too.


JunkYardAnimations responds:

If you enjoyed this, I'll make more >:)

Their intelligence sure has peaked. XD Feels like the premises showed promise for something bigger than that, like a fictional documentary delving into the potential parallel fates of our earth, an underground civilization before the dawn of man that somehow perished by the forces of nature before we came to be... that we don't even know about. Something like that.... was what I was wondering if it'd turn into when it started, but either way, it did entrain! Hope this might be the start of something serial.


Bamboo Shoots!

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