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So hilarious. XD Love how the boss just keeps his poker face all the way through, even when his own car goes up in flames. Looks like he's living like he teaches at least, handling stressful situations like a pro! Awesome work. Voice and animation, all perfect.


Well that was pretty intense! XD Went from entirely comical and harmless to feeling kinda bad for the main character though, wonder if it would've been better if the big fall was trivialized a bit, and she just kept on running, exaggeratedly bloodied and bruised but too stressed to think about it until she reads that final message. Lost a bit of its pace after that, too, but overall not bad. The animation style's clean and... different! Great music to go with it too.


Well that was random. XD Though entertaining. Maybe a prequel that needs to be seen for sense to be made? Nice animation.


Shroomsday responds:

Point taken, does need to be a bit more self contained. On my last animation I got some pretty divisive comments on YouTube (some folks loved it and some folks hated it), so it's a little like the fallout from that: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/691375

That was something else! A great intro for a (seems like) great game!


Well that was entertainingly creepy. XD Seems like wise advice! Go for it!


Really would've liked a happier ending there! :/ Makes it all the sadder they keep smiling, like their purpose is only to have a purpose, and without it: no purpose. Easy logic, though when he was first thrown down the hole I thought he'd realized that, and the defiant act of climbing back up meant something more... oh well, it makes you think, feel and get all philosophical... and the style's creative too. Artistic piece.


Hey a movie with unexpected moral! :D Guess that could explain the whole talking fridge thing too. Was not expecting that. Pretty good animation/voicing, though the canvas shows through on some frames. Keep it going!


Well that was unexpected! XD Thought it'd end with them taken away... then I thought it'd end with the alien... but you never knew where it was going next. I like the stopmotion, even if the characters seem to 'squiggle' around a bit much between snapshots, and his shoes look a bit weird. Maybe necessary to have him stick to the ground? Claymation overall looks awesome though, lots of frames; lots of creativity! Nice work.


ClayDay responds:

Thanks Cyberdevil! The shoes were to help him stick to the ground, and I will work to reduce the squiggle.

Jon seems like a man with highly unusual abilities! His incredibly elastic and stretchable neck for one. The echo narrative. The unusual character selection. The very relatable show-like plot introduction: it bodes for potential for more episodes equally entertaining episode parts that aren't but seem just like they could've been! Entertaining.


Seems to be a lot of stand-up on the topic of school lately! XD It never gets boring though. Wish I'd had any day with pizza back in school though, sounds like you had pretty awesome grub overall, no matter the delivery or packaging. Entertaining sketch.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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