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An impressive body of work! :D A rap song actually made specifically for this showcase too? Pretty awesome. Was wondering about the music part, didn't recognize the artist but sounded like some mainstream stuff... great work!


EXIT73STUDIOS responds:

The music artist ATO Worldwide, made us the song first, then we put the animation clips together. but yes he made the song with our characters and animations in mind! It was a lot of fun!

The mist...ery thickens! What a build of atmosphere towards the end there. Seems like other revelations are close too, wonder what the Madame really knows... you thought they were growing closer, but maybe there's a secret here just waiting to jump out. Love the suspense! Looking forward to the next part!


railtoons responds:

So many secrets and revelations you won't know what to do with yourself! And triple bonus points for the mist/mystery pun.

Was just waiting for him to wake up and do something! XD Honestly though I thought the joke would be that he was sleeping in those first few scenes, the breathing noise through that mask does have that kind of sound... it all falls in place at the end! Nice work.


Crashing the Earth into the moon hmm... sounds like a wonderful idea! :D Nice one.


So short but so awesome! :D So much NG reference packed into the piece too, great voicing, slick animation; plenty of details to rediscover in a second run. A certain call twist too. Finally the trilogy is complete! :D


Best one yet. XD Really stirring the controversia too! Dark matter. Violence. Religion. It's got it all, along with well-equipped wit and weather duckery. Just ironic I always watch these things late night!


threebrain responds:

hahaha good that you watch them late night cause today's just went up :-X late as balls.

Andrew... Huang? On NG again?! :D First it was Dan Bull and now these, so awesome to see favorite YT'rs making an entrance here, at the source of all, even if it's just a small cameo.

Great video, animation and script and all - the music both catchy and clever, and with plenty of twists both before and after... such a thankful ending. XD impeccable work!


lmao. XD Didn't really catch on to the pun until the very end when he KO message popped up, feels like I should've caught on earlier! Though it starts eerily - seems like it'll be a whole other genre, the end is pure genius. Not making the game reference all to obvious in the beginning helps out. Great stuff.


Hey at least he got a chip! XD Blue guy sure has problems with the fans, they always seem to be favoring others! Didn't catch the title wordplay with this one till I saw the device, great wit as always, and an entertainingly animated chain of events! Always like a breath of fresh air with these.


A really really short teaser, but it does what it does well! After watching I really do want to see more, and find out more, what sinister deed the sirens cried about, who this main character really is, where the trail of fire leads... so far seems promising!


Annmariesch76 responds:

Thank you!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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