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Feels like you got that Euphoria part just right in the beginning, with the sand and water and sunshine... when it takes a turn for darkness, ghosts, winter, war...it seems like the feeling of euphoria switches to just: the realm of games. More of a substitute for that ideal, imaginary world... even if the first part was inspired by the like. The music does give it a great vibe all the way through, though!


NigelNg responds:

thanks, yeah I love the music, made me wanna do the video in the first place

Not having any idea who this mythical Punxsutawney Phil person might be probably takes away from the joke a liiiitttle.. nicely animated though! Easter egg insider info via the news screen scroller message thing too! Good to see you're still going strong with the animation.


artistunknown responds:

Surely everyone knows about the whole thing where the groundhog sees his shadow, right? I can see not knowing him by name, especially since the name is so weird, but yeah, I guess it's one of those things where it's more funny if you know about it. Why do I always joke about more obscure things? lol

And yeah, that news ticker was a last second addition, it was a pain in the ass to do but was fun to put in an extra small detail ;3


With a parody you'd usually expect some comedy! Seems more like a hybrid between the two? It was well-done though. The scenes fit the music, and the drawings are pretty detailed. Movement's a bit sparse and simple... but then again that's how it usually is in an anime OP! Not bad.


SFDrill responds:

Thanks man! Taking notes on everything I can do to improve.

Also i almost forgot: Yeah I don't think this belongs on the "Parody" category, it's more a hybrid like you said. But it was simplier to put in the title LOL

Each time I see one of these parodies I'm wondering what it'd be like if they brought together a bunch of them and actually included them in the real games. :) Nostalgic remake of the old classics with expanded dialog and random twists like this! Would be fun. Good stuff.


JackSquatJB responds:

I actually ran a homebrewed tabletop version of Pokemon Kanto with my friends, and much of it was this kind of humor lol

Wonder if that little baby will grow up to become a cradle robber too! XD No idea what's going on here, but I love it! Nothing like adding in an unexpected creative twist to any one regular scenario, like robbing a bank. Good stuff.


No happy ending in this one, it seems! I like the idea, but feels like it could've all stopped in a better way. One that benefits all parties, like it usually does, and it feels like those other characters getting their dolls stolen would seek out some form of retribution, at least...

Animation and voice work's great as always, but the end... could be better!


I did very much enjoy, this refreshingly poetic pie prescribing anesthetic!

The live action intro was a refreshing twist too, and with a book that seems like it was made just for the occasion? The style of poetry feels somewhat bound to Christmas, but maybe it's more Dr. Seuss style in large than it is just The Grinch. Really well-rhymed, told, animated, scripted; everything! Creative and witty and classy all at once. Great work.


He sure has gone through the motions between these movies! XD Seems I've only seen a few of what appears to be an almost unnecessary large array of sequels... and remakes now that the time for remakes seems to have come. Well-animated and presented though! Entertaining and easy to follow.


rodstew2 responds:

Thank you! There's way too many sequels haha

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