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Sure ain't no such thing as a miracle medecine without side-effects. XD Nice one, and nicely animated! Nice to see some known NG names in the co-credit list of animators too! :D Must've been pretty fun with all that shifting of shapes. Nice work.


A warm and happy little introduction! I like the bright color scheme and hazy style, and the music... contributes so much! The music's really the best part. Really nice work, and mood.

At the end, the message before the 'Coffee Shop' message appears: I wonder what it says?


Well that was... sort of entertaining. :) Realism steals a bit of the comedy I think, nothing was so over the top you could laugh at it, but more like... he's still going in those same old tracks. Nice touch with the ending message and King references, and entertaining detail in how his teeth shift places as he speaks. XD Good speech... in that sense of entertainment, of course. That Trump voice went down... OK!


WillsRandomArtwork responds:

I plan for things to come together better as I continue with the show. And learn more about having better animations. these speech things and news talks I do for it is kind of an translation for current politics. But I agree, the writing will get better as I kick around more ideas

Deadpool sure doesn't stand a chance against his creator! :) Fun sketch, and the actual escape into the real world was an unexpected twist - think this is the first time I see something like that in one of these animated/live action hybrids. I love the idea, and the animation's not bad but... a bit much voice acting. A bit much mocking comments and just going back and forth without really doing anything... feels like with a bit higher pace it could've been a better battle, and a more punchy finale, but it does entertain all the way. Transitions are all smooth too, even if body animations could use some work to look realistic. Nice work.


CaptainThinker responds:

Thank you so much for your kind words and I will work on the little things that I need to improve, thank you for bringing it up :)

Now that's how you really make a Happy Valentine animation. :) Nothing overly cheesy or rosy, but all the while warm and wonderful, winter or no... though who'd go out in the snow in just bunny flippers! Nicely done.


Seems like... an introduction? A preview? A glimpse into something larger than life? I love how the atmosphere builds up, but was expecting a bit more from the 'story'! Great voicing too. Heavy and wise; high in the skies, like the God that there flies...


MickeyWilsonSFX responds:

Thank you! Part 2 will be coming. Really appreciate the feedback, Cyberdevil!

Hmm on the one hand it's a fun intro, with plenty of variation and characters to bring it to life, but on the other hand it really doesn't build up an atmosphere... the style feels sketchy, anatomy disproportionate, and the transitions somewhat basic but... I think the the one thing that's really missing are sound effects, and voicing, with a little 'yah' as she attacks, or a 'swoop' for a transition, or some kind of rumble and menacing background sound as the giant towers above her... if the sound helped build the atmosphere then the animation quality would be alright! With the real thing maybe all of that'll be there though. :) Looking forward to seeing what this turns into.


Looks like I don't need to play those classic games anymore, all secrets revealed. :) Was a fun thing, though took a while to figure out which franchise it was playing on... the main characters looks kind of different... oh wait do you even see the main character in this game?! Anyway good stuff.


Game Over? Or Continue? It ends without truly ending but... it was a grateful pixel glimpse. Nostalgic. Exciting. Smoothly done!


NickUrs responds:

It will be continue, soon I guess ^-^

Bamboo Shoots!

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