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This might explain how all of these conflicts in the Madness world initially get started. XD Never thought I'd see The Office and Madness mix... but it works! Maybe this will start a new thing hmm... awesome work.


The audio... is that part really custom? Sounds like something taken straight from an old show/commercial/soap opera thing... combined with the animation: I love it! :D It says not much, but it says it in just the right way. Specialized.


...and the potential continuation looked so promising too! :/ Tis a shame, but it does seem like an almost abnormally large amount of effort put into animating this, so much detail with the characters and their movements. Not so much with the backgrounds, but with the colorful contrasts and focus on the motion that works well anyway. I like how they're all introduced, though the voice for the girl hmm... might've been better with a voice actor there! Could've been interesting though...


Well the music was pretty entertaining. XD As for the animation... it feels more like an animation tutorial, or behind-the-scenes thing, than it does an actual Animation VS Animator sketch, in that the action and the animation isn't going on at the same time. Either you watch the drawing in progress, or the animation in action... and the animation isn't particularly smooth either. Black segments riddle the script, the musics pops up when the animation stops... if you could put all of this together somehow, and add in a bit more motion then you'd be on the right path! Also preferably zoom out a bit. This close up the detail feels a bit thick/basic. Keep it going!


DavidProductions responds:

Ik, Its Bad, Maybe cause i draw with a mouse and i was just dicking around because i dident have time! xD If you want follow me ;0 xD

Seems the further he goes the more he keeps on falling down, down, down! Another good one. Short but detailed and totally derailed off of the usual, and I do like that music.


Love the smoothness and style! All so incredibly fluent and fun to watch, from the little fairy getting blow away to the robots dropping out of the sky... just the expressions, bubblegum, ominous eyes on the technical tanks... such a fun world to immerse yourself in. The music goes well with it all too! After it continued right after the 'To be continued' I was thinking maybe it would end right away... but looks like it really isn't over yet! XD Hope to see more!


MiltoniusArts responds:

Thank you so much! :) I'm really trying to establish the universe, glad to see it take shape in another persons eyes. Thank you for your observations. It's taken me some time but I'm about ready to start on a new episode of Akumi again. On to the next chapter!

Good ol' silly Star Wars. :) Really surpassed my exceptions with all the derailing details and ample puns, Jar Jar on a plate, that guy with the mask trying to eat in the background (thought that was Darth Vader at first though), the hand joke, lmao... all of it works well at creating that kindred Christmas sprit, and even when the ship crashes on the house... you can't really take it seriously. All good fun!


That musical twist. XD Entertaining sketch, and the remix song was spot on too! Nice work.


Foamy really speaks the truth with this one! Was positively surprised with the depth of the message, and the empathy he puts into the speech, too. And it's not just a superficial rant on the change, but a full dive into the motive behind it: the ever-increasing company search for profit. I do know people who do have full time jobs, still, in this day and age, but otherwise this is the truth! Solid advice too. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could all just create, and be artists, and share the wealth between us... though somebody's gotta get in some of that wealth through some other source for there to be some of it to share, too... it's a sad, eat or be eaten world. Everyone making a profit off of someone, but props on this one! Great message.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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