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Well this was a fun find. :D Gotta watch this movie sometime too, seems entertaining... the backgrounds are kinda basic but the animation's not bad! Also: blue lines don't come across so well against the brown background. Everything else: great! Good fun


Oh heeey it's one of these again! :D Remember spending a gargantuan amount of time on completing the last one, or maybe one of the last ones if there were multiple... smooth loop, and good promo for the game. Looks it's pretty packed!


Smooth transitions between them, and an entertaining selection of shorts too! Not too long, but not too short either, and plenty of variation. Nice work all!


Always with an inspiring quote at the start of these! :D Getting curious about how these are coordinated too - if everyone has a set part from the start, if it's all put in order at the end - with suitable voicing and transitions between? The connection seems to be only the theme, yet it does tie together nicely. No odd transitions. Like it might be scripted. Favorite bit in this one was definitely the feature presentation! Good stuff. Always questioning. Not as much a piece on motion as previous, but all good stuff.


FlowDownStream responds:

Here's a quick breakdown of how it all works;

We all suggest themes, then we all vote.
After the theme has been decided, we pick a director.
Then everyone just works on their own parts until the deadline (which we actually started making now!) and the director mashes it all together into an episode.

And as always, it was a pleasure reading your review!

Impressive work! Both the animation and narration - equally powerful and atmospheric, and when the show really starts, with the voice acting and action and other random events... it's all thoroughly entertaining from start to finish. A continuous yet totally senseless bout of entertainment featuring an awesome but equally sad gathering of characters - with particularly immense explosions, whenever there's a reason for one! Reminds of Mad Max a bit. If this turns into more than the one: would be great to see. Awesome work.


Fantishow responds:

That’s a very well articulated analysis of this. I’m glad you pointed out the sadness of the cast, I thought that would be lost on people. Thank you!

That final craze gets me thinking of Kung Fuhrer. XD Impressive animation! And great punchlines amidst the rain of punches. So fluent too! With the beginning I wasn't sure how it'd turn out but... definitely stands up to its title. Awesome work.


RannitX responds:

Thanks a bunch!

As the business that Foamy is I wonder how this will ring with the Customers. XD He does have a point though...


The biggest problem of today basically: too much information. :P Nice one.


AguRex responds:

Yeah... Everyone spoilt the Infinity Wars for me. Lol

So much detail in this! :D In the water, in the... everything. :D Awesome work. And this game does look pretty promising...


And that's why we all just keep on going, working, never stopping for a moment to wonder what we're doing with our lives. XD Nice short. Love the style too - so different from anything else out there.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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