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At this point it actually seems like this one would come out in better quality as video format rather than Flash! Hope you still have the source files. The quality really blurs here, compared to both your newer video-based stuff and the older in Flashy entirely.

As for the content itself though this is great. :) The second one was an even more clever finale, but this was great. Good character introduction, though at this point not so clear who you should really sympathize with... they all seem lethal.


Aaa looks like this wasn't the end after all! Excited to se what comes after this if ever a time comes when you can pick it up again... might be my favorite of the ones you've started on so far. I like the intelligent design, even if this one seems to step away from the style of rev pewvious ones a bit. Also: that one professor's voice comes across a bit clear/high compared to the others - might want to balance. Looking forward to what other work you might put out, as studio or solo, awesome work these many years so far!


A new character with each one of these hmm... or not, it's another one, but all of them are already gathered! Seems the third might be the final piece. Looking forward to seeing how this all ends.

it didn't feel all as perfect and clever as the first, but still has that sense of mystery and logic combined, and animation's definitely improved a lot since.! Nice work.


A lot of dialog in this one, but you really do manage that tension well! And animation quality keeps improving. Not bad. From the start, when there were five scenes, I was thinking maybe this would be multiple short stories to tie everything together, but seems there's more to look forward to yet!


There sure are a lot of perverts in the Kazahana clan. XD Nice twists with this one too though, even if the violence level and style's starting to seem more like Xin than this one... interesting to see how all this develops.


Ah, Ai makes her appearance! Doesn't seem quite as psychopathic this early on, and the build-up's really pretty clever... really changed with the next one, but I hope it'll go back to a style similar to this later on. Nice work.


Like a corporate battle royale, huh... though wasn't expecting that TV advert intro after the real intro. XD What a sudden clash of content, and then... it jumps back in again. Nice twist. Actually somany twists! lmao. Not what I expected! Classy outro too.


Such a cryptic piece! Really well-scripted compared to the usual. When he lit the candle it almost looked like he drew blood - a bit red a flame - but otherwise I love the chain of clues, and logic narrative, it really drags you into the story, though his outbreak when he enters the second chamber seemed a bit earlier. It really hadn't been that long yet. Towards the end it really builds up the tension. Can't wait to see what's after.


Was thinking there'd be a lot more rebel than burgers here. :) Like: fighting things out at the burger joint! All customers top-class fighters. Surprise twist. Something like that. Despite the name I like how this builds up though, and maybe it would've taken a surprise direction too, if it continued... started good.


Do see the resemblance with that main actor. :) Love the style. Takes me back to that best era of movies like it, even if the animation's definitely not as elaborate, and simpler than some of your more recent work. Action scenes are pretty fast-paced and crazy though! And things seem to improve a bit with each scene, too. What a huge difference with the third one in particular. Even some 3D there. Much more detail. All those flying eyeballs though. XD Crazy.

Overall really enjoyed this. It's both like a blast from the past and something new entirely, and even now it really keeps the pace. Cool work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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