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Well that was... interesting! Two bitter people having a bitter conversation... and yet surprisingly enjoyable to watch. Watching other people be miserable giving room for personal appreciation? Whatever it is it wasn't bad. And maybe there's some secret message or moral here too...


First DBZ VS Superman fight I see where the DBZ guys don't instantly overpower Superman! But as they say, a Saiyan just gets stronger and stronger, wonder how long he'd really keep that advantage... Batman popping up there like he's on the same level though... that bit feels a bit off. But I loved the fight. Great animation.


RickMarin responds:

But ...Its BATMAN!

It started well! I liked the style, I liked the narrative, I liked the cartoony and expressive characters, and Bling Bear was fun to watch for a while, though I was thinking that could've made for a twist with some actual bear who doesn't behave like a bear, like Yogi Bear... but hey, you saved that twist for after! XD The ending: genius. Can't believe I wasn't expecting that.


Is that... an actual song? Now I gotta go Google... fun little sketch here! You're pretty good at this relaxing stuff. Always relaxing to watch these little animations too!


Some of these really were pretty genius. XD And they never end!!! Aggressive Yoda imitation just makes it all the better too. Animation's pretty on point, though seems somewhat passive without any lipsync or actual interaction there, like a slideshow of visuals to accompany the narrative. Good stuff though.


Happy Tree Friends are back! :D It's got the style if not the characters, and that ending twist: nice twist. XD Pinning the tale like that: my favorite.


funymony responds:

Thanks dude! I loved Happy Tree Friends back in the ol' 56k days. I was definitely going for a Carebear kind of thing. I only had 10 days to come up with something for the showcase, I hope it does well!

Who knows what would've happened in that fan was left in the house though- O_o Terrible, terrible things could've happened... it's a bit late for Halloween but better late than never huh! Clickbait or no it was a thoroughly enjoyable story again.


That conversation could've gone so many ways though! Feels like a good starting idea left mostly unused. Directors Cut? Expansion Set? Something such would be fun on this one. Or another one...


Haha, well maybe not all relatable but: fun! I have my phones plugged in in such a way that the way this would all go down is: they get yanked out and whatever's playing on those phones plays full blast for all... could make for some awkward moments too but so far *knock on wood* all good... so expressive motions though! Good fun.


snoc responds:

thanks :^)

This IS good stuff! XD And heeey you actually made that site too! Thorough entertainment.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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