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Hopw he found that niceness he was searching for! Imposed by his boredom... the flow of animation's so cool here, and that spontaneous dialog, the transformations during the fall, it all builds up for... what does it really build for? A trip to another dimension? To a higher existential plane? A free fall of good old fashioned fun? Plain death? Whatever it is it was inspiring to follow, even though it all just fades away...


Woooah this was pretty creepy! :D Though cool too how her eyes flicker; the particles pulse with the background music... nice glimpse. Trying to imagine what it'd be like interacting in the VR world...


Sprankton, I learned a new noun here! A disease you get from chewing too much. Smooth work, though not all too much lipsync or such going on here. Some more detail might be good.


But... weren't you walking on the sidewalk that one time you were walking on the road?That really looked like the sidewalk. XD Well, this was super-entertaining! Nice work, and Super Belated Super Happy Halloween to you too!


That's a pretty excessive booty swing in that cylinder at the end there. XD I love the build-up though, and the smooth animation, and how her belly button shakes with the swing - attention to detail... this seems like a pretty interesting idea for a series too! Good way to make a living as an artist and interact with the fans too. Gotta consider. Either way it'll be cool to follow the show, if it's not Patreon-exclusive entirely! Nice promo.


MiltoniusArts responds:

Thank you Sir! The first official vote for her 1st choice starts today. Yeah it's a nice experiment for me because I'm not sure what direction this animation will go. This keeps the creative process fresh and exciting. I'll definitely post some of the animations here when I get enough footage together.

That first arrow. XD That caught me off guard. Kronos sure is a supporting father though, after all that time, still parenting with admirable perseverance! XD The resolve of a true warrior. Well done.


That bird sound. XD What a twist... and all in a perfect loop too, accompanied by soft; subtle music befitting the scene. Happy Thanksgiving!

That final twist though. XD All that entertaining talk seems to be leading somewhere more profound than I expected it too... nice work, and pretty original style with the 3D here. Curious what kind of program this might be made with? And of course: Happy Thanksgiving! As Happy as it can be!


Bobert-Rob responds:

Yeah, my ramblings tend to go nowhere. Glad you enjoy it, though. The program I use is actually Unity, with the models being made in Blender. I've got kind of a strange setup created in how I make these animations, but it's been a lot of fun developing it myself. Hell of a challenge, but rewarding. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to you too!

Hmm the darkness therein could've made way for something a bit more graphics, but otherwise not bad. Short but fun.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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