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Started looking so much like a game I thought it actually was. :) This is pretty cool though... spritemation with a set of character I don't recognize at all. All originals? If so maybe you really could make a game out of this. Bill Murray though, lmao. XD This game has some interesting surprise appearances... you never what to expect next.


Aaand what happened after that?! The animation here's awesome but: really ends a bit inconclusively there! There's gotta be an end! Maybe he does something unexpected like: bring out a Charizard to burn up the grass and just walk through? Or a Blastoise to fill the trench with water and just surf through? Or just walks and gets his fat...? Feels like there was potential there... up till that little bit though: awesome work.


An unexpected debate flares up! :D Nice one.


Definitely improved a lot since that first version! Though this felt more like a directors cut/behind the scenes/showcase kind of thing than an actual animation... it's just a little bit, a smooth bit, and then a lot of showing how that little bit came to be. No story or context, just the motion. Interesting watch though.


BlueBandanaJake responds:

Yeah, I was actually a little hesitant to put this on here honestly, as I knew it was more of a showcase kind of deal, but I figured what the hey. And I was rewarded with the Daily 2nd Place for it so I guess it was a good idea haha.

But thank you, I'm just glad it was at least a good watch!

That mood really changes when that psychedelic music kicks in, and then again, with a gong, and again... and then the psychedelic vibe kicks in again. Not sure what to make of it all, but it certainly is experimental. Interesting. Wonder what it all means though... if it has a meaning?


Solid story, solid animation but the voice... the voicing's so muffled! Not really balanced against the sound effects, nor muffled just by means of volume. Even if you turn up the speakers it's a bit hard to hear. Would like to see more though! Hope you can get a better recording device.


Always something to be appreciative of. :) Appreciate these too! Happy Turkey Day!


Oh man. XD That's some dark humor, that is... love it. A little less loudness though. That'd be ideal.


Some pretty interesting different styles here, and a lot of traditional work too! Manual stopmotion along with the more modern 3D. Twas cool to see! Good start.


IncendiaryStarfish responds:

Thank you very much!

lmao, you just don't dress up as certain people or go to certain houses and do certain things huh. XD We never do get to see what happened to that mummy though! Hopefully he's not that great a shot after all... nice one.


Mewx responds:

Hmm maybe the mummy will come back in the future... ;)

Bamboo Shoots!

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