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Now this is getting elaborate! :D Nice. Sound effects on top too! I wonder how it'd look if you animated in a little muzzle fire and hits, for real authenticity, especially when the background elements (crates, etc) are moving too - sometimes it feels like them moving is a mistake rather than a being-hit-by-gunfire thing. Overall though this was awesome. Awesome characters. Awesome setting. Awesome to watch stopmotion like this.


TheCheeseKnees responds:

I really do need to figure out how to do muzzle flashes

Seemed like someone was attacking HIM from the start, though you never see the opponent... smooth movements though! Reaction and all, and the set shaking a bit just adds to the intensity. Now if only there was a bit more to it...


Not bad. :) Feels like the characters are for the most part just floating around, their movements not animated, but the choreography's alright, and the end's a fun one. Maybe it would've made more sense to switch in the elevator music towards the end, though? Start a bit more ferocious and then tone it down when they're just watching; chilling? A bit more detail wouldn't hurt either.

Merry Christmas in a bit!


This is great!!! XD For a moment I thought it might be Barney (is that Barney? It's possible I'm mixing together my dinosaurs) just endlessly zooming in... but when he actually gets to kicking it a bit, with that background comp, lmao... I love it. Can't go all five stars on the animation and all but this did make me laugh. Somewhat silently though cause everyone's sleeping. Good stuff y'all. Also where's HOTSTUFF_DX in the sidebar credits?!


ChutneyGlaze responds:

Yeah that hecking little bimbo didn't accept my project invitation!

Well that was unexpected. XD Maybe sort of expected, but not the expected series of events after the genie popped up at least... I like the creative twists, and the style. A bit smoother would be good though, like when the box comes into the picture. If you're using a program that supports motion tweens I'd definitely recommend using those for objects that are just moving from one place to the other, or a higher FPS if you are (it seems to be frame by frame when it chops).

Not that long or elaborate but not too shabby either! Fun short.


Impressive detail in this one! I love pretty much all of those common things that which you mention so this: pretty awesome. Nice work.


Schuschinus responds:

Thanks! I hope I´ll be able to upload the full series, if videos can be deleted from bad voting. My early works are comparably unimpressive, but they are part of the story.

Small but not bad. :) Feel like it'd fit better in the art portal though.


This did look pretty cool... feels misplaced as a movie though, maybe you could save as an image and submit in the Art portal? It'll definately fare better there.


Caracan responds:

hey thanks.
I'm new to Newgrounds as a whole. I just put it into the animation section since it is animation. Under Other since I wasn't sure where else to put it.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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