NOOOO! sucks that you closed it.I wouldve liked to see what your first movies looked like:(,well,youll get a 10 anyways i guess...
NOOOO! sucks that you closed it.I wouldve liked to see what your first movies looked like:(,well,youll get a 10 anyways i guess...
In responce to cyberdevil (04/17/04)
Heh what do you really mean it sucks ha, well you could have seen it if you came along before but it was the best time to close it...
First cartoon?!
This was fucking awsome for a first cartoon!YOu are really really good at animating!!!Keep up the great work,i wonder how your 3rd flash will look.heheh,
Your second flash cartoon?Youve got to be kidding me!This was awsome!hmmm,you are really good at animating!oh,and about the easter egg,i didnt see it the first time,but now that i knew there was an easter egg i did see it this time,hehe.Keep up the good work!
This is probably your best flash so far!!!It was really really good,keep making your flashes like this and Keep up the good work too!!!
A good beginning.
Im amazed at how good your first flash with sound is,but then agian,you might have amde lots of flashes before you figured out how to use sound,heh.
Yeah,i know it was a slideshow,but i still liked it a lot.It was nicly arranged and Greenpeace kicks ass!!!Yeah,ill save my planet allright.
tis ok.
yeah,the animation isnt perfect,but noone is perfect,so...anyways,it was pretty good,was this your first súbmission to NG,or?
Btw,it wouldve been better with sound.
Yeah,i liked it allright.Great animation and a different style too,you should make more like this one,maybe a series or something,keep up the good work!
A different kind of animation with dots like that,and it was really good too,hope you make more like that.Keep up the good work!!!
hehe,yet another one of your many master pieces,this is the first thing you make that has a sequell to it,im going to go and see that one right now.
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04