No,im never offended,are you?This movie fucking sucks though,heheheh.Some people might like it,but i dont,sorry.
No,im never offended,are you?This movie fucking sucks though,heheheh.Some people might like it,but i dont,sorry.
Not strange that you dont like it,caz i dont like it either.and people didnt either seem to like it since this only got a 1.60 in score.
Actually this was pretty decent,entertaining in some straaange way,well,keep up the good work!
No,it cant be án another shs,the last one sucked,this one sucked and if there is a next one that will probably suck too.
Baaad.It was funny,but the animation suckedalot,and i dont like random crap.Good music though,that part kickedass!
I really hope that you will NOT make another one,i think these suvk a lot!Dont make anymore,they are baaad.
Tis good you didnt get daily feuture on this,then i would probably have broken my computer,heheh.Keep up the bad work!
I cannot believe that you got daily feature on "this".It suuucks!!!!How the hell could it get daily feature!!!???
ive decided just to reply to this reveiw and this reveiw only and here are my amazing comments and yes hahaha hilarious catchphrase insults!
1. U sad muppet. U have watched ALL, thats right, ALL of my movies giving each one a pretty shitty score(the best being a six).
2.Thats sad.
3. Well each one you complain,"OMG JOO SUXXORS FOR EYE AM TEH 1337HAXXORZ SLAMBANGO" i dont care. i do this for fun and the slight orgasmic pleasure of messing with faces, WOOCHEE DOCHEE!
4.I have averaged the time it would take for you to write each of your shitty reveiws + the time of my movies PLUS loading time(i presume you have broadband, for only a complete cum gullet would watch every movie by an author he DESPISESZZZZ) so the equasion folloows like this
Load time + watch time/Each movie-->Reveiw writing time+ ball scratching
I guess it would have taken you what...about 3 hours to do this(plus one hour as you cleaned your spooge from the moniter, fapping yourself writing a scary mean reveiw, u pedo. You winky whacker. You penal punisher. you....slut.
5.You are just jealous that i won 2(yeh count em you dick jocky) TWO AWARDS.
Thanks for the reveiws
Love Joxa xx<3
Yeah,this wasnt too good,keep up the bad work though!its helping me get loads of reviews,heheh.
No,say its a nightmare,it has to be a nightmare,it has to be!hehehe,i didnt like this.
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04