Too bad bananamites dont exist,heheh.This was great,good animation and it was really funny too,a perfect first submission!Keep up the good work!
Too bad bananamites dont exist,heheh.This was great,good animation and it was really funny too,a perfect first submission!Keep up the good work!
Another one of your masterpieces!Your style rules,your animation is awsome!Im looking forward to your next masterpiece!!!
pointless... wasnt even funny as your other flashes,you can do better then this,keep up the good work!Btw,work better then this though...
lol this was my first movie
kthx anyways
That was original!I wish i had come up with this idea first,so id be able to submit a flash that only took about 10 minutes to make and get a really good score anyways,heheh.
A really good tutrial!I dont think you made that music though,so you should have put the artists name in the audio.Keep up the good work!
The Music was Get Low by Lil Jon
Pretty good!
Best Kid Niki movies ive seen so far!Great animation and it was pretty funny too,keep up the good work!
Great again!
Yes!Its another episode of IMP!!!Well,i probably dont need to tell you,but IMP kicks ass!Keep up the good work!Im looking forward to your next episode!Btw,hows it going with that other movie you were going to make?If you need any more music for your movies,my audio has been approved now,so you can download them,and i have made a lot more now too,maybe some of my other ones will even fit in your IMP episodes!heheh,i hope so.
SOnic and other madness 3 you mean?It goes very, very, veryyyyyyy slowly , due to, as usuall, the voice overs.. Many are baling out, so as soon as i at least got the womens voices, amy and rouge, ill do all the others myself.Thanks for the review! ANd ill check your music then.
heheh,that was original!Great animation andaudio too!You could make some kind of series out of this!Keep up the good work!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04