The ninja turtles are awsome!lol,this was great!Keep up the awsome work!The animation wasnt that good though.=P
The ninja turtles are awsome!lol,this was great!Keep up the awsome work!The animation wasnt that good though.=P
The music was awsome,but the animation needs some improvement though,it fit in with the music,but it wasnt that good,well,keep up the great work!
I liked this!The way the scenery was a piece of paper,lol,it looked really awsome though,you should make more like this,keep up the great work!
Pretty good!
Great animation!lol,it was pretty funny too,heh,keep up the great work!You shouldve called this judgment day or something.=P
Pretty good first submission!the animation was good,great 3d graphics too,keep up the great work!
Pretty good!
hmm,what a happy movie!Its soon christmas,lol,i cant wait,heh,keep up the great work!This was awsome!hah,arnt you happy about summer?!lol.=)
Reminds me of all the "foamys rant" movies,haha,just as funny too!Great parody!Keep up the great work!I hope you make lots more!=)
I will try to make more when I can find time. I have time. I rock!
Yeah,it was ok,the spritemation wasnt perfect though,but it was decent,well,keep up the good work!
Heh,this was great!When i clicked on the name i was expecting a music vidoe though,lol,this was funny though,keep up the great work!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04