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This was awesome. Didn't think I'd stumble upon a fishing game that was actually fun to play! I like the way you navigate freely around the lagoon and catch the critters at your own pace. Catching is a challenging process, apparantely luck and reaction based, and it's nice how you don't need to leave the map for each fishing session. There's shopping, upgrades, ambient music and a sort of plot included too. Great game!


Finally got around to plaything this; it was an awesome game! The controls were slick once you get used to them, I confused the jump and attack buttons at the start, but after a while it all comes natural, felt easier to just shoot through the levels at first but after a couple of runs the meelee attack is actually a lot swifter, and running is almost on automatic. It's not that long a game either, but the first run was a bit more of an adventure, after that it's a challenge in speedrunning; slaughtering as stealthily as possible. And it's fast-paced stealth too, running up on enemies rather than just waiting and creeping. I like the pixel graphics, the sound; the fast pace and action. Great game!


Woo, racing with tractors! Fun idea, and plenty of both graphical and functional variation with levels and upgrades, but I was a little annoyed with how it's not always easy to differentiate between foreground obstacles and the background. Since they're not different shades at all, you need to learn for yourself. Keep it going!


This was a pretty awesome idea for a game, and no need for instructions either, by placing two squares next to each other already in the second level you learn some basic strategy. Clever levels, an innovative idea and simple graphics, it's all good. One thing I'm missing is some more feedback in the interface, hover-overs and such effects, but it's good even without. Keep it going!


Man these ragdoll physics and zombie mayhem are a pretty awesome combination, and the level design starts getting clever already in the second one. I like the atmospherically spooky movie, and the controls are simple to get a hang of. Good fun!


I love motorbike games like this, and I think this is the first one I've played with physics on more than just the player itself, as in movable objects, flexible objects (like tree trucks etc) that really add to the variation in each level. The controls are easy, the levels are well-designed and overall it's just a real blast to play. Only thing I felt could use some polishing is the menu, it's unnaturally square and unintuitive, with similar buttons for level selection as well as all different options, a more divided layout would've been nice. Game's perfect though, keep it going!


Noticed a bug in that if you click within one of the text fields, you can no longer move the character. It seems there's no way to switch focus back to the canvas once that text fields been clicked. Apart from that little bug this looks like a fun platformer. Smooth graphics, COntrolls and good level design. Nice work!


KapitanKotwica responds:

text fields bug fixed :)

A great platformer! I like the sketchy graphics and slick controls, all you really need for a succesful run, but there's the element of comedy added to that that makes it a bit more than most: the crashing through the exits rather than opening the doors, cracking or eating obstacles... and it all depends on the character you play as. Plenty of variation in the different levels; a lot of fun. Nice work!


Awesome graphics, controls, upgrades, awesome everything! Shame it's not about the NG portal though. :P In an alternative edition... it could be! Anyway it's fast-paced and a ton of fun. Great play!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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