Smooth and soothing. Great rythem, a pretty unique beat and good progressive additions all along the way too. I like it, keep up th great work!
Smooth and soothing. Great rythem, a pretty unique beat and good progressive additions all along the way too. I like it, keep up th great work!
i was going for something that i hadn't heard before,
something my own @_@
A nice and smooth ambient track! Starts of simple and gets louder and louder as it goes along. Sounds like the ocean, like whales singing o each other, calm and peaceful, perfect as background music. Keep it going!
thanx, lol i might take a break from the ambs for now, but there'll be more soon :P
Starts of good and just keeps getting better and better as it goes along, it's a bit monotonous as it is, but maybe that'll be added to? Or maybe that's just the way rave music is? Heh, keep it going! Looking forward to the finished thing!
so do i ^^
What a pointless beat, heh, might fit nicely in a flash though. Starts of simple but gets better and better as it goes along, nicely grooving, keep it going. :P
Lol, maybe, thanks anyway.
Nice indie track, I love the hackyback intro beat and the progression from there, has a twisted flow to it, experimental, sounds great. Keep it going!
Thanks man! Glad you liked it!
Was really fun to put together.
I like! A nice funky track! Great melodyk great mix of instruments, lots of variation and smooth sound quality as well. Love it, keep up the great work!
Thanks! We will keep making songs for your ears don't you worry!
Haha, great track, it's god rythem! Great melody, great combination of different instruments, great flow, keep it going going!
We will!
A nice piece of classical music, I can picture this in somekind of tense war scene. Great buildup, keep it going!
yeah im thinking of redoing the whole thing and extending it, i just have to find me some decent string VSTs first :P
thanks for the review!
I don't think I've heard the original of this, but it sounds great. Smooth beat, good vocals and balanced guitarplay. Sound quality sounds like shit, but otherwise it's all good, keep it going!
Sound quality isn't the greatest obviously but I don't think I would call it the word you did.heh.....we did record these songs through our peavey sound system (live). We didn't use track recording. I thought it sounded decent considering everything. I've heard tracked songs from bands that sound alot worse than this.haha But anyway glad you liked the song anyway! Thanx for the review!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04