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What a contrast between the Joker and his plastic carded counterpart discarded in the background there. :D Solid line-work and shading, though some of it comes across almost material, like bloodsplatter or blotches of color, especially the crease at the side of his mouth... or maybe that is what it really is? Looks good!


Really nice work on the suit, looks pretty gritty and metallic! The saturated color-scheme works well too. Nice work!


matty229 responds:

Thanks cyberdevil... Pretty pleased with how this turned out and thanks massively for the scout!!!

Cheers dude!

A pretty nice piece this one. I like the color; how the hair frames in the face as if the white as an actual skin tone. Pale; beautiful; suitable cut off by the canvas. Nice work!


Very nice! :D Feels like there could've been a bit more neon to it though, considering what the title implies. More glow? Beams of radiating light really pulsating in the surrounding darkness? Really nice character art though! Happy Valentine!


Love the detail in this one, both in line-work and color. Looks like a hybrid between species, but feels natural all the same. A creative concept that still feels authentic. Nice work!


A nice piece from one of the most memorable scenes of the movie! Feels like some line work shines through a bit too much, and watercolor's are a bit fuzzy/incomplete around edges, but not bad overall.


Such a simple piece, but it looks so alive! Everything flows together nicely, colors, glow, the shape of it all, it just looks perfect. I wonder about the blotches of green, if apples ever get that color, but it looks authentic here so... I guess they do? Wonder if you studied an actual apple while drawing this, or just drew from memory? Really nicely done this one.


DragonKeeper345 responds:

The green was just to break it up a little. An old art teacher of mine once told me to add colors you would not normally expect, so i have tried ever since . Thanks for your input it is very helpful.

Really detailed piece overall, though there's something weird about the eyes... too large pipils, maybe? Or too linear creases around them? Nice work on shading; line-work overall though, looks good.


DragonKeeper345 responds:

I see what you are saying about the eyes. This one is too old for me to go back and change, but if I could I would. Thanks for your feedback.

Of all your works so far this is probably a favorite. Character portrait looks simple enough, but it looks powerful too; a perceptible conviction more in the lifeless gaze and face than the fight-ready fists. Interesting effect with the background shining through too, like part of the character. Colors are somber; line-work just right. Looks good.


Squiel responds:

He is a martial arts trainer and they don't usually start fights though they are used to them. The gaze tells he's ready. In this kind of works I like not connecting all the lines, I would say it is a little part of my developing style.

A pretty interesting piece, this Interstellar Stallion! Nice shifts of colors, and a background with universal reach. Looks good.


Squiel responds:

I didn't know that rapper! Thanks, though I've been told to fix the lighting. There is no clear source of it and it needs polishing. The background looks better.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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