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Hand-crafted? Really cute little critter! Though sure would look good were it rotated 90 degrees to the right. Nice work.


SophieYssabeauWare responds:

Thank you for your compliments. I'm not sure why this website decided to post them sideways but I couldn't change it so my apologies for that. :)

PS... yes this is hand crafted :)

You mean... man ON the box? A bit more mysterious a character this one; despite the inward pose I get the impression he's pretty care-free and confident, something about the lack of noticeable facial features maybe. Looks good!


jthiagosena94 responds:

Thanks for the comment. This name is because song of Alice in Chains. I listening during this draw.

Also seemingly somewhat shady character art! Smooth work.


jthiagosena94 responds:

Thanks, man!

Pretty slick character design! Shady lady. :)


jthiagosena94 responds:

Thanks, dude!

Pretty creative tribal design, though chest seems almost unnaturally flat for some reason. If the title wasn't Jasmine I'd probably have questioned gender a bit. hair do does hint, but clothing otherwise seems somewhat ambiguous. Looks good though!


holikrep responds:

It's actually just based off her character's design for a game ~ The name Jasmine is just the commissioner, not the character itself ;u;
I'm less used to muscley type male figures than I am the feminine ones so i'll definitely have to pay more attention to how I draw the chest next time ! Thank you for your take on it~

Really gets a different, more somber tone, as soon as it's in black and white. Not bad!


mustxng27 responds:

Yeah, I think so too! Thanks for the review.

A whole new kind of eye this time. :) Feels a bit narrow/squished in overall form, but details otherwise look nice. Simple but effectual.


mustxng27 responds:

Yeah haha I wanted to try something new out that time. I do think it feels slightly squished too. But this did take me 36 minutes or so at most to draw. I colored it on the computer. Glad ya like it, man! :D

Cleaner, darker, deeper (maybe a bit too deep though) and clearer in all areas! Really looks much better without the underlying line work. :) Even if the surrounding white shines almost too brightly when there's nothing three. I imagine a lighter gray tone for most of it would've looked better, or maybe just a gray tone the shape of a/half of a face. Well, either way: the eye looks great! Nice sketch.


mustxng27 responds:

Thank you, Cyberdevil. I know, I didn't notice the shining white area around the eye until a few days after uploading it. That was in there by mistake lol
I'm proud of it though. Thanks again for the four stars, I'm really happy that you like it.

A majestic portrayal of withering remnants from a past time... somber, yet bright and inspiring. I like the mysterious vibe it has to it, of legends lost; grandeur we don't remember. It's such a grand motif I almost didn't notice the ethereal royalty kneeling on those steps of greatness... an echo of times past? I like it.


Alexandrowic responds:

Thank you... I was going for that nostalgic feeling. Like a relic of the past that has served his purpose, but still has a place in one's heart because it is a reminder of better days...

Bamboo Shoots!

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