I feel like... I might've seen this one somewhere before. XD Looking forward to wherever this trip is going, and logic: always wins.
I feel like... I might've seen this one somewhere before. XD Looking forward to wherever this trip is going, and logic: always wins.
Vicious looking work! The cybernetic details stand out, though the style otherwise... makes you wonder if they had any Harley Quinn inspirations there. Looking suitably crazy! Flowery face paint and all.
Thank you Cyberdevil, I am happy with the details you express in your comments.
This is almost turning DBZ-style with all these cliff-hangers and runaway plot elements. XD Do wonder what happens next...
If you're a fan you're a fan huh. :) Didn't know about the dead pixel issue before this btw. Nice one.
Dave's being unusually perceptive this morning. XD Shit Show IV hmm, I wonder if that's a real thing...
Expecting something refreshingly dumb with the next one! :D Possibly also something related to those mutated birds still wrecking havoc somewhere...
So the opposite of beer is... coffee? Not sure I catch that bit of logic but: the anger. XD Oh my. Fiery finale creeping around there.
Save's a pretty efficient alarm maker! But you know what they say: no reason for alarm...
I feel like... there's a moral in this story somewhere! Nice twist to the old classic, and that additional twist with the final frame too.
Pretty smooth filtering indeed, though the backlit sky in both versions is the main effect here right? Everything else still drawn like usual? Floats together nicely. Not bad.
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04