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Nice. XD Really hope he sees this... then sees the Newgrounds mention on your blurb, wonders what kind of place this might be, signs up, remembers this, leaves a review, gets into reviewing, brings in a whole wave of fans and recreational rebels and reignites a massive spark of attitude and all-round awesomeness that just... well, anyway, that'd be pretty cool!!!

Gotta love that determination above too. Somehow gets even better with a beak.


As beautiful as ever! Been a while since her last apparition here too... very nice.


That look looks either charming or... just a little bit crazy! Maybe it's the double ovals with the eyes that give that effect.

Smooth work.


This is looking pretty fun! Love the ambient sky and health bar design too. Seems like not just a fun platformer but a really visually appealing one too. Details.


BlueCrystalStudio responds:

Thanks a lot ! As I said to some others, I did not really expected positive feedback as it´s in very early stages. So I did not posted much about the game yet. :) Have a nice day.

Thinking of Mister-Herbal for some reason here... what a worm. Rancid and radical all at the same time.


Interesting backstory... I didn't really think of the hands at a first glance. Seemed like it might be more a depiction of sickness. Tiredness.

Strange thing with artistry though where it seems like some people just get all the more productive the sicker they are! Still hope it passes if it be the passable kind.


Both those fluid forms and the temporal insanity seems to be growing by great proportions here! :D Appreciate the detail levels in this one. And the crazy. Nice.


Pretty smooth transformation here, and it goes over, and over, and over... pretty seamless loop too! Very nice.


You don't usually see these dudes just vibing out so much these days! :D Looking good, and I wonder what kind of surface he might actually be posing on there... seems like the ground might be digitally edited in? Or... is that actual clay?

Feel like the text might be a bit too dim, maybe not aligned the ideal way either (neither centered, nor aligned along the character, nor after both top/side of the canvas, nor angled in a way that it'd matter less), but nice composition overall.


Rukuha-san responds:

Thank you, darling uwu
In fact, both of your guesses are correct. It's the plasticine I digitally edited. https://sun9-5.userapi.com/c853420/v853420209/12bc2a/WQb4JJLJv6Y.jpg
I couldn't place it stably on a piece of paper so I had to use a more flexible material.
This picture was a response to a tweet, https://twitter.com/s_sanmo/status/1185917970448572418 so I wanted the picture to have text on it. At first I just wanted to place a large text on the entire length of the sheet and make it look as if it is located in the background. But the program in which I edited went crazy and did not want to make the text larger than this. So I decided to take a different approach and make it intentionally shitty. Comic sans and translucent pink text did the job.

Aquatober is/was a thing too?! XD Damn, too much going on this month...

Another good one though. Smooth work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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