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Does feel like it ended kind of abruptly here, like her reasoning hadn't really gone through all the necessary phases yet, nor was that final scene really as romantic as it could have been... but I do like the final phrase. The expressions. The experimental style. The surplus of halftones towards the end though hmm... feels kinda weird? I don't know. The first part was just perfect, yet this one leaves something to be desired.

Still was a great read though. Nice way to split things up in two parts too. As for better ways of cataloging comics here: the playlist feature's great for that. Though for something with just a couple parts like this it feels like just a link in the description is perfect. Easy to click your way both to the next panel and back again as you go through it.


POSTBOY responds:

Yeah i get the feeling i kinda barrelled towards the ending there. A good thing to think about next time. I'll maybe check out that playlist feature too. Wasnt really planning on uploading this to NG so the 2 part was a little bit of a rush job. Still thanks for the feedback

And that way is... to kill Tyro? I can see this taking a dark twist after this. XD Do like how this is mixing the comedy with that more serious subject matter, and entangling all into the realm of AI and potential future hurdles as well. Starts great...


And even better! :D Very nice. That description tho...


One of many a shinobi who really doesn't seem to get enough work done in her name! Not bad. Feels like the fingers are a bit too long, but overall good attention to detail here.


Oh it's on route! That last Picollage was awesome. Hyped for the new. Classy work.


So colorful! Feels like this is what exploring the city should really feel like, one great adventure... spray can aimed at face seems somewhat dangerous though.


Feeling like this might be out of my league of learning a bit, but political caricatures: awesome. It's the punk way! Life is fickle fo rizzle, but if we sickle those pickles...


Starting to get heated even if only with the angles already. :) Moving on...


Somehow it seems like the mission might just be impossible with Pyra around. XD Interesting style for a series here, wonder how it'll all turn out...


For a moment there I was wondering if the laugh reaction was in response to getting hit with the hammer somehow. XD Funny bone hit? I guess it's an inside joke hmm...

I like the style. Feels like it's something you could apply to something bigger, like: comics?


DoomGodMode responds:

nah the guy on the right made a large funny.

i'd do comics, unfortunately i haven't the talent.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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