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Oh hey, I stumbled upon another chameleon submission! As with the former, this one really conveys happiness, even more than the last since they both have their eyes open (and mouths btw) and really seem to be smiling. The glow is still there, but this time there's plenty of surrounding sparkles and effects as well. It's a nice addition! Keep it up!


Woah, this looks so much like a photo. Hard to believe it's not! Really great art.


Haha, if I hadn't read your description I'd be looking at the art thinking that the monster is admiring the flower, jdepressed because he can never be so bright, humble because he's standing beside goodwill, sad because the flower will wither away and die... or something. I swear that flower looks like it's dancing btw. Really a nice artwork!


The way she's aiming that gun and looking the other way it looks like she could shoot somebody by accident. Nicely drawn though, the character with clear shading and bevel and the background fuzzy like a wallpaper. Hey, maybe it is, maybe she's standing in front of a wall with a motive! That's what it looks like. Anyway, great character!


It looks like those bubbles are just floating around in air and not in liquid at all, and they're not combining either! Where's the lava! It's a nice lamp though, nice effects.


Looks almost like a photo! The sky is a strange shadw and the end of the water (where it goes dark blue) seems a bit unnatural, but the ground is just perfect, and the nearby sea looks so inviting. Nicely done!


krissalus responds:

I totally agree with you about the water and the dark spot in the sky. This was done a long time ago and I wasn't really sure what I was doing at the time, but I'm glad you like it all the same. Thanks for the review!

The shading, lighting, contours, etc are just perfect. After looking at a bunch of sketchy art it's weird seeing something so clean, with no fuzziness or anything, yet a lot of detail packed together into the work. The end of the sheaths for the swords, the golden plating and the handle especially really shine. Only strange thing in the picture are the fingers, they seem so long somehow. Otherwise, it's a work of art! I mean not just literally. :) Keep it going!


The style of coloring makes me think of the clip art that you could use in Word back in the day (maybe it's still there, I haven't checked lately). It's refreshingly abstract, and the liquid really looks like liquid from the topside, as it if has a depth. Strange how such a mixture of color can resemble reality. Nice one.


The title sais it all... and then I realize there's no description! II like how the concept is depicted like a tumor, and how pathetic the 'main character' looks under the burden. Great texture and color too. Keep it up!


This painting plays games with my mind. Really powerful scene, great shading, great detail, great fantasy art!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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